Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Golden City R-3 goes completely virtual after large number of students quarantined

(From the Golden City R-3 School District)

Due to many factors we have decided to transition to fully virtual education until Thanksgiving Break. So all students will be learning from home until after Thanksgiving. We will then be back to in person education starting 11/30/2020.

While we do not have a large number of positive cases in either our student population or our staff, we do have several that are out due to being quarantined due to exposure to positive cases. 

We would like to stress that we are not seeing cases of spread within our buildings or our activities. We attribute that to the students and staff being very vigilant with our safety protocols here at school. 

Where we are seeing our positive cases and quarantines coming from are social gatherings or social events attended outside of school where those safety measures are not as strictly followed. 

We ask that all parents and students take a few minutes to visit about what we all can do to be safe. We all desperately want to be in school and be able to do all of the activities that go along with school. To be able to continue in person learning after this break, we are all going to have to do our part to be safe. Social Distancing, Masking when you cant distance, and good personal care and responsibility (Frequent hand washing, cover your cough and stay home if you don’t feel well).

We can do this. We will come back better and stronger and ready for the rest of the year after this virtual break.


• Teaching will be done virtually by the teachers,
• assignments will be given and required to be completed and returned and
• grades taken throughout this time.
• Students will be expected to be engaged in the learning process.

• If your student will have problems accessing the work from home the staff will be able to provide it on memory sticks and/or there is internet access in our parking lots to access the internet resources. 

Teachers are working with the kids today to get them all of the resources we can get to them including a laptop or a Chromebook.

All staff will be at school and available to be contacted by phone or email during this wellness break.
All offices will be staffed and the phones will be answered to help you with anything you have questions about.


• We will provide “grab and go” meals for any student free of charge during this time away. 

• If you want your child to have a meal you need to call the school office and put your child's name on the list.

• Meals can be picked up between 11:00 and 12:30 each day

• Each packet will actually be two meals, lunch for that day and breakfast for the next day.

• Meal pick up will start Tomorrow if you have put your name on the list. Pick up will be drive through line in front of the Elementary school door.

Thank you and if you have any questions, please contact the school office.

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