Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Missouri Southern to move classes online after Thanksgiving break

(From Southern News Service)

Following the upcoming Thanksgiving break, in-person and hybrid courses at Missouri Southern State University – with a few exceptions – will move to an online format.

This decision will result in reduced activity on campus, particularly as residential students will be given the option to stay home after the break, thereby helping to prevent future spread of the virus. 

The decision move to online classes was supported by both the Student Senate and Faculty Senate.

“Each decision that has been made in relation to the Fall 2020 semester has been made with the utmost consideration of the overall safety of the Lion community and for as little disruption to the academic and student experience as possible,” said Dr. Dean Van Galen, president of Missouri Southern.

“Following consultation with local public health officials and our key constituencies, we are confident that the decision to move academic programming primarily online for the final two weeks of the semester, while continuing to offer on-campus residential and student services, will be the best move forward for Missouri Southern as we conclude the fall semester.”

All previously stated health and safety protocols will remain in effect during this period, including the mandatory use of face coverings and the required practice of social distancing.

The majority of courses will be offered online. However, there will be exceptions for courses that are not amenable to remote delivery, such as in-person clinical and field-based experiences. Students directly impacted by these exceptions will be notified by their instructors.

The residence halls will remain open for those who wish to return to campus after Thanksgiving. Those who choose to leave university housing will receive a prorated refund or credits for the period beginning Monday, Nov. 30, through the end of the semester.

Van Galen said it is the university’s intent to return to the face-to-face/hyflex courses for the Spring 2021 semester.

To stay up to date with the most current and comprehensive campus information, visit Missouri Southern’s COVID-19 website.

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