Thursday, November 04, 2021

Roy Blunt: Democrats' spending spree will not help American workers and families

(From Sen. Roy Blunt, R-MO)

We’re approaching almost one year with Democrats in control of the White House, the House and the Senate. And, so far, it seems their agenda boils down to two things: taxing and spending.

The results are clear. Inflation is skyrocketing. Gas prices are at their highest since 2014. In fact, there is not one state in the U.S. that has an average gas price below $3 per gallon. We’re seeing increased prices for items we need every day. Even the New York Times is reporting that “Thanksgiving 2021 is shaping up to the be most expensive meal in the history of the holiday.”

Yet Democrats are pushing the next phase of their reckless tax-and-spend spree – and sticking hardworking Americans with the bill.

What’s worse, President Biden and congressional Democrats are trying to claim this far-left, massive spending disaster would cost $0.

This could not be further from the truth. According to the Wall Street Journal, “the true expense may reach $5.5 trillion over a decade.”

Democrats’ spending spree would mean higher taxes and more debt. It’s an extreme wish list of radical ideas that would do nothing to help Americans who are already dealing with inflation and rising prices. No wonder Democrats are writing it behind closed doors. They know these far-left policies are not what the American people want.

My Senate Republican colleagues and I are holding firm against this irresponsible, extreme spending bill that would fund Democrats’ liberal agenda. We will not allow congressional Democrats to unleash their socialist wish list on American families and then stick them with the bill.

Democrats’ spending spree will not help American workers and families. This reckless bill has no business passing the Senate, never mind getting President Biden’s signature.

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