Tuesday, June 05, 2007

K. C. Star takes shot at anonymous bloggers

I didn't read the KC Prime Buzz slap at anonymous bloggers since the Kansas City Star has seen fit to require readers to fork over money for the blog, but Blue Girl, Red State has a post on the subject that is well worth reading. This is what Prime Buzz wrote about Blue Girl:

A federal court has authorized the release of letters it received concerning the sentencing of Scooter Libby, Vice President Cheney's former aide, who's been convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice.

And a local blogger -- Blue Girl, Red State -- says she was one of the bloggers who made it possible.

She was one of two bloggers, she says, to file a friend of the court brief, arguing the letters should be made public.

(The names of the bloggers filing the brief are whited out. Blue Girl says she wants to stay anonymous, like most bloggers. Here at Prime Buzz, we put our names on our posts.) (emphasis added)

It's this kind of sloppy reporting that has done considerable damage to the Star's once-lofty reputation. "She wants to remain anonymous like most bloggers." Where in the world did they get the idea that most bloggers want to remain anonymous? Did they survey most bloggers and was this simply a fabrication?

Blue Girl does choose to remain anonymous, as do many bloggers and as I noted in the May 21 Turner Report they usually have a legitimate reason for choosing anonymity. The KC Star shows disdain for bloggers, not just the anonymous variety, while hypocritically using their writing to boost sales for Prime Buzz.

As I noted in my earlier post:

It does not take long to determine if a blog is worth reading. If the writer is unreliable or has nothing to say, odds are he or she will not develop a following in the blogosphere.

Recently, the Kansas City Star's political writing has become increasingly unreliable, as has been noted in the blogosphere (which could explain the Star's antagonism toward bloggers), however Star editors do not have to worry about that on their Prime Buzz site, since they always have more reliable bloggers to rely on for content.


Blue Girl, Red State said...

Please don't think I pay for Prime Buzz...When hits started coming from there, I did the free-two-weeks trial. No way in hell I would pay $3.95 a year for that meager offering - let alone $395. That's just nuts. Especially when In can come here for free...

Randy said...

That's the spirit!