Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Former Department of Social Services employee to plead guilty to identity theft charge today

The story seems to have fallen off the map as far as the news media is concerned, but former Department of Social Services employee Robin Lynette Deardorff is scheduled to plead guilty to identity fraud charges today in U. S. District Court in Jefferson City.
Ms. Deardorff, you may remember, was involved in a scheme in which she and a group which included two former employees of the Missouri Department of Revenue stole personal, private information from taxpayers, and then used it to establish credit card accounts, which were used to buy cellphones for prisoners, including Mrs. Deardorff's husband.
The guilty plea entered Tuesday by Anna Stephens and today's guilty plea will close the case.
When the indictments were initially announced, this story was all over the media, but subsequent developments have not been followed at all, as far as I can determine. As I noted in earlier posts, this case has pointed out dramatic flaws in the way our state agencies research those whom they would hire to deal with personal, private information.
Unfortunately, it appears our traditional media has failed to do the follow-up to keep the heat up on these agencies to make sure they improve their hiring practices so nothing like this can happen again.

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