Thursday, August 07, 2008

Turner Report sets new record for traffic

Thursday, Aug. 7, was a big day for The Turner Report.

According to the meters I use to review traffic to this blog, more than four thousand unique visitors came to the site, breaking the previous record of 1,416. I never realized that many people wanted to read about Scott Muschany.

The previous record was set during the days when The Turner Report was focusing on the Micronesian church murders in Neosho.

Apparently, the record is not going to last that long this time around. At 1:50 a.m, even my slowest meter is showing that The Turner Report has received more than 500 unique visitors since midnight.


GCook said...

Actually, it was from people searching to find out news about my birthday!!! LOL Just kidding!

Congrats Mr. Turner!

Randy said...

Thank you, Newsy. Happy Birthday!