Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Voting turnout looking low

I can only judge by one precinct, but when I arrived at Cornerstone Christian Church in Joplin to vote about an hour ago, I was the only one in the place. Naturally, I asked them if they wanted me to come back later when it wasn't so busy.

They didn't think that was funny either.


Anonymous said...

As you vote today, think about this.

Do I read this report correctly? The Democrats are to purposely lie to the voters, saying they support more drilling of American oil, but turn their backs on drilling if they are elected? Is there such a thing as "pre-medidated lying?"
California Democrat Nancy Pelosi may be trying to save the planet — but the rank and file in her party increasingly are just trying to save their political hides when it comes to gas prices as Republicans apply more and more rhetorical muscle.

But what looks like intraparty tension on the surface is part of an intentional strategy in which Pelosi takes the heat on energy policy, while behind the scenes she’s encouraging vulnerable Democrats to express their independence if it helps them politically, according to Democratic aides on and off Capitol Hill.

Pelosi’s gambit rests on one big assumption: that Democrats will own Washington after the election and will be able to craft a sweeping energy policy that is heavy on conservation and fuel alternatives while allowing for some new oil drilling. Democrats see no need to make major concessions on energy policy with a party poised to lose seats in both chambers in just three months — even if recess-averse Republicans continue to pound away on the issue.

GCook said...

Rather busy in Monett when I voted at 8:30 this morning. I was the 108th person to vote in the Forest Park district.

Anonymous said...

You're so funny Randy. I love you. Why don't you ditch your wife and run away with me?