Several months ago, I noted that KODE's Good Morning Four States program was substantially better whenever co-host Antonia DiNardo was gone and Gretchen Bolander filled in.
Since Miss DiNardo left KODE, Ms. Bolander has been filling in on a regular basis and the show has vastly improved. Whether or not she is being considered as a full-time replacement, I don't know. Personally, I prefer to see her remain on the front lines, since she is one of just a handful of local television reporters who actually know the area, and she always offers reports that dig beneath the surface.
That being said, Ms. Bolander reads the news professionally, and handles interviews smoothly, something that could not be said of the last two people who served as Alan Matthews' co-hosts.
Sweeps Month is coming. I have already seen ads touting an expose' of brown spiders on KODE (that should rake in the ratings), and yet another blockbuster investigation on internet predators on KOAM.
I haven't seen any other sweeps promotions. If anyone has any information, please add it to the comments to this post or send me an e-mail.
KODE should put Gretchen on the morning show all the time
If you want to sleep! One would be hard pressed to find a more boring combo than Gretchen and Allen… oh wait I almost forgot about Jeremiah and Lucas. I can't stand either morning show right now. What horrible parings. Let’s face it you don't have to know the 4-states to read the news in the mornings. You just have to pronounce Miami/Nevada correctly and have a reasonably engaging personality.
Her name is DeNardo not DiNardo.
I have to agree, Good Moring 4-States is much better with Gretchen...sometimes I wonder about Allen, though.
The above commenters are not men. C'mon guys who would you rather wake up to?
Well, Randy is a man and he prefers Gretchen.
I think Antonia and Gretchen both have the personality of a rock, but at least Antonia was a good looking rock.
Turner has something against good looking women. He likes all the pigs.....but wait....maybe that is his beef. He doesn't have the appearance or ability to be a news guy and is holding this grudge. He certainly is the biggest conspiracy theorist I have ever seen.
What is wrong with Jeremiah? Is he an alien or a toad? He really creeps me out. And Allen, he is just a jerk, you can reaf it in his body language and tone of voice. I just can't watch TV in the morning right now, I like Gretchen but her co0host is the pits do I just do not watch. So sad we can't keep normal morning news guys, I sure do miss Andy and Toby, now they were entertaining!!!!
Local TV morning shows it the reason God created NPR radio.
Hey, let's not single out Turner. We should be fair here and state the truth...a list of physically attractive newspaper reporters would be very, very short. In fact, I can't come up with even one name to start out that list. Maybe Michelle Pippin over in Neosho. That's about it.
Beware the Colonel Sanders. The Colonel serves extra crispy up right!
A group photo of the top 10 journalists on any given day is a monument to human ugliness.
Q: How can you tell the difference between an oral thermometer and a rectal thermometer?
A: The taste.
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