Money is the name of the game in politics and even before she has has the chance to get her feet wet as a United States senator, Claire McCaskill is showing she knows how the game is played.
According to Capital Eye, the newsletter of the Center for Responsive Politics, Sen. McCaskill has already formed a leadership committee:
Traditionally, members of Congress seeking leadership positions or committee chairmanships would set up leadership political action committees to garner goodwill from other lawmakers. While this may still play a role in the decision to form a PAC, politicians say they establish the committees to help build their party. Analysts say the leadership PACs provide a chance for lawmakers to accept contributions beyond the limits established for campaign committees—and the sooner, the better.
A spokesman for Ms. McCaskill says she is doing it to help others who face tough election battles:
McCaskill spokeswoman Adrianne Marsh said the new senator established a fundraising committee to help future candidates run against incumbents, a situation she faced in November’s race against fundraising powerhouse James Talent. "She wants to make sure she’s in a position to help others in the same circumstance," Marsh said. "She really does believe the system is discouraging. She supports public financing, but until there are sweeping changes in campaign finance, you’re stuck playing by the rules."
Come on, Randy...we're waiting for you to slam our new senator for starting a war chest the way you slam Republicans....or is this "different?"
the Democratic "holier than thou" isn't holding up.
Please reread the post. If you are looking at it as a valentine to the Democrats, you have serious problems.
Randy, accusing me of having "serious problems" isn't going to wash. Pointing a finger at others or saying unflattering things about someone else is just a way of tring to deflect the spotlight from yourself.
That doesn't say much for you.
You don't mind dishing it out on other folks...Just keep in mind the old saying about the heat in the kitchen...
Anonymous, Randy is justified in being much more harsh toward congressman who raise money and distribute it while having very direct conflicts of interest (i.e. Roy Blunt). One is a reflection of a system that needs fixed and the other an illustration of why.
Sir: you make absolutely no sense. What's to say our new senator will not distribute money in case in which she has a direct interest.
Again, we have an "excuser" deflect the issue by pointing an accusing finger at someone else, in this case Congressman Blunt...
this is not about other people in congress, Democrat or Republican...it's about our new senator.
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