Monday, January 08, 2007

Nodler: Senators should rely on brains

Sen. Matt Bartle, R-Kansas City, failed in an effort to have laptops allowed on the Missouri Senator floor.
The Senate voted 24-9 against admitting technology to the floor with our own Sen. Gary Nodler, R-Joplin, shown with a constituent, speaking out loudly against laptops, according to the AP account:

"It attacks the very nature and fiber of what we are as a body," Sen. Gary Nodler, R-Joplin, declared during Monday's debate. "When a senator comes into this chamber, they ought to bring their brains with them. I don't think they should be dependent on electronic assistance."

The Missouri House allows laptops.


Anonymous said...

Nodler needs to go to see the Wizard and see if he can get a brain.

Anonymous said...

Is lap dancing allowed in the Senate, or just the house???

Can we have a vote?