Until I read the article in the Joplin Globe, I never knew the truth. Then it hit me. Sen. Gary Nodler, R-Joplin, is our area's foremost champion of equal rights. As far as Nodler is concerned, there is no way that independent candidates should have such an unfair advantage over Republicans and Democrats when it comes to political campaigns.
That's why Nodler filed SB 409:
Nodler said he believes the bill addresses “an equal-protection issue.”
"The way it is now is an invitation to political mischief and could allow parties to organize phony independent candidates to tilt the outcome of the general election," he said. "There’s less of a chance of that if everyone has to identify themselves at the same time. But the timing is the only difference. It (the bill) changes nothing else on the procedure by which an independent gains a place on the ballot."
We certainly wouldn't want political mischief, would we?
What we have is a senator who was inconvenienced by having to spend part of his political campaign war chest (which he would have preferred to have used by donating it to other campaigns to build up his political capital) to fend off a feisty independent candidate), filing a bill to prevent those same circumstances from occurring again. Then to add insult to injury, the co-sponsor of the bill is Sen. Delbert Scott, who faced a similar independent challenge, and the bill has already had a hearing in a committee chaired by Sen. Scott, while other, more important, bills have languished in the hopper, waiting for a chance to be heard.
That is the definition of political mischief.
This blog is really becoming more and more lame. Seems that Turner is dedicating his life to attacking only Nodler. Every other article is about him. Geez....enough already. I am thinking about creating the Anti-Turner Report.
Go ahead. You can call it Meet the PR Nodler Not To Be Confused With The Real-Life Nodler...Nodler As He Sees Himself...or maybe even Nodler As I Wish I Was...
If Nodler would not continually do such stupid things or say stupid comments then Turner would not have anything to put on the blog. It is the continuous amount of crap that this man spews that causes intelligent people to make the conscious effort and to comment.
Simple case of action = reaction.
It a shame you intelligent people can’t figure out a way to beat such an ignoramus. Question: who’s stupider the dummy or the dummies who keep losing to the dummy?
Or the dummy voting for the dummy?
Two thoughts.
When did it become more important to be thought of as a winner than to do the right thing? Sounds more like moral bankruptcy to me.
The only place you're a winner is in your own mind. If you vote for the "winner" who goes on to pass legislation that is harmful to the citizens of the state, you are ultimately the loser.
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