Rep. Rachel Storch, D-St. Louis, has filed a bill that would require a $25 credit for those who are without power for 48 hours.
No hearing has been scheduled for HB 731, whose 14 co-sponsors, include Rep. Sara Lampe, D-Springfield.
The bill specifies that the outage must not be the fault of the consumer. It also requires $25 be added for each additional day the customer is without power.
Yippee! $150 refund, credit, whatever.
This woman wants to "fine" the utility company for an act of God? If the utility company hired enough people and bought enough equipment to fix the lines after a disaster like this instantly, then the rates would surely go up and then she would complain about this. Only in America.
If Empire would have kept the darned tree limbs out of the lines all along instead of lining the pockets of management that sit in their cushy offices then we probably wouldn't have been without electric as long as we were.
This is a stupid proposal...what's she running for? I don't see the utiltity companies (Empire or New-Mac) billing people for all they have to do to get power back up and running.
It seems to me that we are indebted to them for all they have done - day and night -
I hope that happy anonymous gets his/her $150, but not from the utility companies...apparently anonymous needs the money.
I'd rather see utility companies invest the money into clearing rights-of-way (where the power lines go) of tree limbs, replacing cracked, bent and warped power poles, and upgrading equipment. Perhaps then, a massive power outage like we experienced in January won't happen again, or the extent would be lessened.
Although if I had an extra $150, I could buy more lantern oil and candles for the next big outage.
Speaking of cracked and rotten poles, since the storm have you noticed that some of the poles you drive past appear to have huge "splinters"? And of the two poles that went down near my house, only one was caused by tree limbs. My husband walked down to take a look at the "treeless" pole and said it had rotted.
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