At long last, the sad experiment of changing the KSN 5 p.m. newscast into a Regis and Kelly type coffee klatch has ended and "Live with Gary and Tiffany" has been replaced by "First at Five."
The change, I believe, took place a couple of weeks ago, and while many of the same elements remain in the show, sometimes all that is needed is a slight change in the packaging. This is one of those occasions.
KSN improved its program by:
-Eliminating the annoying opening, which made anchor Tiffany Alaniz appear to be more like Vanna White than an experienced news anchor. In that opening, Bandy was simply Bandy.
-Dropping the banter at the top of the show and starting with hard news and weather. I find it hard to believe there weren't news personnel at KSN who weren't embarrassed when the other stations' 5 p.m. newscasts led with some news story of some importance, many times one with tragic overtones, and Gary and Tiffany were talking about Gary's haircut, or a vacation, or Brad Pitt.
-The times I have heard the anchors of the newscast named, it has been Tiffany Alaniz and Gary Bandy, rather than the other way around. A station has a serious problem when it gives top billing to a clowning weatherman (that is not an indictment of Bandy, there is a hallowed place in our culture for clowning weathermen, as long as they are serious when the weather turns bad and Bandy always has been) over a veteran newscaster.
The 5 p.m. newscast appears to be on more solid ground thus far.
You need to check your facts. Live at Five hasn't been the name of the show for years. The new show is named First at Five.
Obviously, you are correct, and I will make the changes. I did not take notes. Perhaps I should also check the rest of what I wrote. I don't want to find out later that the show actually hasn't improved at all.
Why do you ALWAYS pick on KSN? Don't you know that there are 3 other tv stations you can criticize? Or does your bunny ears antenna not pick up the other stations? You normally have nothing good to say about them, and you constantly speak as if you've been in the television business for years. What is it? Were you turned down for a job? Did you always want to be on tv, and finally realize that you can't, so you choose to trash talk Gary and Tiffany? I'm sure people get tired of hearing the same crap, over and over again from you.
I'm sure Tiffany and Gary work hard to bring you the news and weather. They're not the only ones that put on that newscast. So why do they have to take the blame when you don't like the format change? If you don't like it, DON'T WATCH IT! Maybe it's just not your cup of tea. So do us a favor... Change The Channel!
I've been watching KSN for as long as I can remember... even back to the Ken Ford, Jim Otey, and Sherry Sanders days. And I will continue to tune in everyday.
I think it's safe to say, that you've got one less reader now! And I know that I'm probably not the first, and probably not the last. Good Bye.
I always enjoy the broadminded readers who simply cannot accept someone's right to disagree with their opinion. It's o.k. with me if people like Tiffany and Gary. I don't expect everyone to agree with my opinions. What a boring world this would be if we all agreed on every issue. I have never really had a desire to be on television, though I have previously related on this blog, the time when, I was out of work following the demise of the Lockwood Luminary-Golden City Herald in 1979 that I applied for a reporting and weekend weather position at KODE (not KSN). I might also add that I have been fairly consistent in making positive comments about KODE recently, which would seem to shoot down your supposition. I have watched KSN for many years, as well. I watch all of the stations because I am interested in the news.
It amazes me that you are so critical about a post that is actually highly complimentary about KSN's changes. The station recognized it had a problem with its 5 p.m. newscast and did something about it. I, for one, will not mourn the passing of Live with Gary and Tiffany.
I don't know why I am writing this response, though, since you indicate you won't be reading it. Good luck in your quest to find information sources that are perfectly aligned with your views.
The only true professional left at KSNF is Jim Jackson!
Also I wonder how many of the news anchors and weather people in this area can be labeled a liberal?
KSN has a lot more problems than just their 5 show. Ask anyone there.
That is the TRUTH!
As evidence of the problems at KSN...during the coverage of the recent ice storm a story ran concerning safety tips for using generators that included making sure the area where the generator was located was "venelated" (this was in an onscreen graphic). If they can't manage to review their material for spelling accuracy, how do we know it's factual?
...and this evening's newscast offered some Super Bowl tips, including "taking the key's (not keys) away from intoxicated drivers". Do they not know what proofreading their material is? I'm assuming that they'd know a spelling or grammatical error if they saw one...
I hate Gary Bandy.
They are the best newscast in the area and Turner is a tired old joke. What type of person continues to make personal attacks on people without even knowing them as a person or what their comments do to them and/or their families. They are good people who do not deserve that treatment. Turner on the other hand is not.
Your definition of personal attacks definitely does not jibe with mine. I have specifically avoided making personal attacks. I critique the news program, not how they look, what they do on their own time, or anything else that has nothing to do with the content of their news programs. My criticism of "Live with Gary and Tiffany," as anyone who will check back over the numerous times I wrote about it was always directed at the content. When I spoke about conversations about Gary's new haircut, it was not a comment about the haircut, but simply about the wisdom of including it in a newscast.
It seems as if your comments are directed towards both Gary and Tiffany, most of the time. You may be criticizing KSN for what they show at 5pm.. but I'm sure they're not entirely responsible for the format of the show. You talk about them like they are soley responsible for what happens, not the powers that be above them. Maybe if your comments were a little less biased, then it wouldn't seem like a personal attack on both Gary and Tiffany.
But you're completely right... your opinion... you're right to speak freely.
Maybe to make it fair all the local news people should act as clowns?
Randy is certainly allowed to have his opinion and shouldn't be bashed for that.
I would, however, submit that in an era of vanilla newscasts with consultants and ratings dictating every homogeneous move, it was daring of KSN to try something different. Every newscast shouldn't be exactly the same and every newscast shouldn't be aimed towards the exact same audience.
If Randy didn't like it, that's fine. My gut would be that particular newscast wasn't aimed towards males 50+. It was probably aimed at women 18-49. If Randy did like it, then the show was probably doing something wrong.
Oh, and after looking at Jessikuh, who hates Gary Bandy, I now finally have the answer to the question "Who is less attractive than the KODE female anchor?"
In true liberal form however, Turner bashes everyone else for posting their opinions on the sight. He wants to have it both ways but gets his feelings hurt if the comment is directed at him. It is pointless to argue with him. I am reminded of a wise old saying; "you can't fix stupid."
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