Thursday, January 24, 2008

Globe doesn't buy Blunt reasoning

Count the Joplin Globe Editorial Board among those who cannot buy Gov. Matt Blunt's reasons for not seeking a second term.
In an editorial in today's edition, the Globe sees problems, as do most of us, with the governor saying he has accomplished all he intended to accomplish, but that he had lost his sense of mission:

That lack of a sense of mission as a reason he cites for not seeking another four years in the state’s highest office simply rings hollow. This is an individual who rolled up his sleeves after his election and immediately set off to do combat with difficult issues.

Missourians would like something more detailed, more concrete than what is tantamount to Gov. Blunt seeing no more political worlds to conquer. We can’t imagine him saying to himself “mission accomplished” or failing a sense of purpose while knowing the many pitfalls and opportunities awaiting this state in the years ahead.


Anonymous said...

Isn't this a little hypocritical for newspaper managers to write? I mean when their employee's quit because the newspaper is being run into the ground, they usually don't tell the bosses to "shove it" because no one wants to burn bridges. I mean what would happen if all the ex-newspaper employees in the state told the public the reasons why they really left?

Anonymous said...

Oh, come on, Anonymous. You surely don't rate a hired employee's reasons for quitting as having the same weight as an elected official's reason for quitting? In the middle of a campaign? With more than $4 million in the coffers? This stinks big time.