Lt. Gov. Peter Kinder, one of two Republicans who have set their caps for the governor's mansion, delivered the following address today on YouTube, outlining his plan for the state:
My friends, today I would like to share with you my vision to deliver the positive change that Missourians deserve. We must have a strong economy.
Building a strong economy will allow us to fund world-class schools; to provide more affordable and accessible health care; to build better and safer highways.
My vision for growing Missouri’s economy begins at home, where we will reduce taxes on Missouri’s middle-class families. I will demand greater accountability from state government; direct agencies to manage better with less of your money; root out and eliminate waste, fraud and abuse of our tax dollars.
And I will use those savings to cut taxes and enact an economic growth package to expand Missouri’s economy and create higher-paying jobs. After all, we need to encourage businesses to stay and build opportunities in Missouri – not in surrounding states.
We will work together with urban, rural and agricultural leaders to ensure that no region, no county or community of this state is left behind, nor denied the opportunities to create a better future and critical new jobs for our families.
And while we’re talking about taxes, my number one priority is to rollback local property tax rates that continue to increase significantly.
We cannot reform government without accounting for the tens of millions of dollars that are being robbed from taxpayers by illegal immigrants receiving welfare payments, free medical services, and free college educations. The inaction of the federal government on this issue has made Illegal Immigration a state issue.
We must act now to increase penalties on any employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants, stopping the use of illegal labor and the exploitation of those illegals. We need to give law enforcement the tools to verify the immigration status of any individual arrested in the state or who is ticketed for a traffic violation.
With these changes we will have a strong economy that will provide the resources to fund a world-class education for every single Missouri child.
Now my father was a pediatrician, perhaps one of the last ones in Missouri to ever make house calls. He did so because day and night he was committed to serving his patients.
And inspired by him, I have that same commitment to every Missourian to improve the affordability and access to quality heath care in Missouri in both rural towns and our inner cities.
Now today, our country finds ourselves involved in a Global War on Terror that has required the sacrifice and dedication of many of Missouri’s bravest sons and daughters who serve our great nation.
I support expanding job programs to provide special assistance to returning veterans home from active duty. We should create scholarship programs for children and spouses of Missouri military personnel who lose their lives in the line of duty.
We all have a profound obligation to honor these men and women by showing support to them and their families. And when our bravest men and women return, our state must provide jobs through a stronger more prosperous economy.
Together, we will make a difference and bring positive change to Missouri. These are just a few of my ideas to provide a world-class education for our children, plans for affordable health care, and to grow our economy and provide opportunity and jobs. But you know what, I can’t do it alone. I need your encouragement, your help, your prayers and your support as we move forward together. Thank you and may God Bless each and every one of you.
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