Monday, July 21, 2008

Hulshof makes his case to Jasper County Republicans

David Steelman had to feel a little outnumbered during his stop at the Lincoln Ladies Ice Cream Social at Memorial Hall in Carthage tonight.
Steelman, standing in for his wife, Sarah Steelman, who did not attend the event, did not have the opportunity to speak, but stood in the back of the auditorium and listened as a letter to the Lincoln Ladies from his wife was read to a crowd of more than 300. After that, it was all downhill for the Steelman campaign.

The next letter came from U. S. Senator Kit Bond, whose message included not only a few digs at Barack Obama which the GOP faithful appreciated, but also a ringing endorsement for Kenny Hulshof's candidacy for governor.

And then it was Hulshof's turn, and the congressman made the most of it. In a speech that ran a little over five minutes, Hulshof made his case for his own candidacy and against Democrat Jay Nixon, even making a point of introducing the Nixon worker who was taping the speech.

A video of Hulshof's speech accompanies this post.

A few other observations from the ice cream social:

-Some candidates didn't miss any bets when it came to placing their signs in the most strategic places. That included Jasper County assessor candidate Gary Allison, public administrator candidate Rita Hunter, and Eastern District county commissioner candidate Blane Mitchell who slapped their signs on the doors of the men's and women's restrooms.

-While Hulshof's speech was probably the highlight for most of those attending, perhaps the three most interesting speeches were made by public administrator candidates Rita Hunter, Angie Casavecchia Ashens, and J. L. "Monty" Morgan, for their contrasting styles, if nothing else. I will be posting those speeches later tonight.

-The ice cream was great!


Anonymous said...

How is that downhill for the steelman campaign? If you let yourself get sucked in to Kenny's smooth speeches, then you are now different than those who will vote for Obama. Look deeper into the substance.

Anonymous said...

Excellent speech by Kenny. Having had him represent me in Congress for six terms, I know that he lives and believes what he says. He works hard to earn and keep the trust of his constituency. He's a good listener who always looks out for the people's interests. He will be a great governor!

Anonymous said...

Hulshof is sold out to special interests. Anytime Peter Herschend in Branson has a meet and greet for a candidate, you can bet their deals are hammered out. Since Herschend has not supported Sarah Steelman in anyway, that tells me she does not kiss his rear like her opponent has.

Herschend puts his money where it does the most good, if it won't do him anygood he doesn't put it there.

So, needless to say I'll vote for Sarah Steelman in a minute, I wouldn't even consider Hulshof.