Sunday, August 03, 2008

Sikeston paper: Hulshof's the choice

Add the Sikeston Standard-Democrat to the newspaper endorsing Kenny Hulshof for the Republican nomination for governor. The newspaper made its choice in today's edition:

It's rare that a man of Hulshof's character and integrity comes along in the public service sector. With deep roots in the Missouri Bootheel, Kenny Hulshof is the neighbor you turn to in times of need and the friend you know you can trust. He would make an outstanding governor for our fine state and I hope you'll join me Tuesday in taking that first, important step.

Hulshof's opponent is State Treasurer Sarah Steelman. Ms. Steelman is an outstanding public servant and an outspoken advocate for all Missourians. She's not afraid to take her own path even when that means running against her political party's majority. But the Republican nominee will have to face Attorney General Jay Nixon in November and Kenny Hulshof is clearly better suited for that task.

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