Sunday, May 03, 2020

Kim Frencken: Who do you work for?

Who do you work for? An inconsiderate jerk? A narcissist? A sophomoric baby?

Does your administrator ask you to do what they are not willing to do? Maybe you've been asked to provide childcare in your classroom while your administrator hides in the office. Maybe you've been told to kiss summer goodbye while your principal schedules a much needed break from the stress.

I don't know who you work for, but I happen to work for a champ. 

I traded in the big school system where I was just a number and not a name. A person with no identity. I was just another warm body. I found myself in rural America working for a boss that cares enough to be honest and fight for us. And a school board that listens. 

I've had to pinch myself a time or two to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I'm not. This is real. And who is the winner? Not just me, but the kids. 

We work in an environment with some stress and frustrations. One that has it's ups and downs. But it also has a whole lot of happy.

You never know how valuable your leadership is until you reach a crisis. It is times like these that make me even more thankful that my little country school was not swallowed up by the consolidation movement. 

So, all you big schools that think you have it better just because you're bigger, go ahead and fool yourselves. 

I'm content to stay where I can look out and see green grass, blue skies, and hear the sound of children's laughter. I'm more than pleased to work for and with administrators that value my opinion and judgment. I'm glad that favoritism doesn't exist here. Summer break is still important. 

 Kids' learning trumps test scores. 

 And everyone has a name.

(For more of Kim Frencken's writing and information about her educational products, check out her blog, Chocolate for the Teacher.)

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