Wednesday, May 06, 2020

Nineteen COVID-19 deaths added to Missouri total, confirmed cases at 9.102

The state of Missouri added 19 COVID-19 deaths over a 24-hour period increasing the total to 396, according to statistics released this afternoon by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services.

Another 138 cases were confirmed putting the number at 9,102.

Fifteen of the 19 deaths were in St. Louis County, which tops Missouri with 204, with three of the other four recorded in St. Louis, which has 68.

St. Charles County has had 30 deaths, Kansas City 16, Jackson and Franklin counties 13 and Jefferson County 10.

Newton County is the only county in this area to record a death.


Anonymous said...

Any checks on employees at Tysons in Noel, or turkey operations in Carthage going on or are they considered sacred territory not under health department scrutiny?

What about the crews servicing the chicken growers when they have to go in and remove the chickens? What other plants are in the area that have numerous(large) number of employees standing next to one another, any safety precautions in place?

Yall thought them rednek repubs all liking the song JESUS TAKE THE WHEEL wasnt going to be the plan said...

The right to infect others shall not be infringed!