Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Carl Junction Police giftwrapped charges in Tucker Berry case, Jasper County prosecutor said no


Now I understand.

The question that has surrounded the October 19 golf cart accident that killed Redings Mill and Lockwood fireman Tucker Berry has finally been answered.

Why were no charges filed in connection with his death?

KSN reporter Jeremiah Cook examined the initial investigative report following the filing of a wrongful death lawsuit last week by Samuel and Tonya Berry, Tucker's parents, in Jasper County Circuit Court and revealed his findings in a report that aired earlier this week.

Among those findings:

-Witnesses said the drivers of the two golf carts that were racing, Brant Cullen and Kreg Myers, were driving recklessly.

-The golf carts were removed from the scene before the ambulance arrived.

-First responders told police no one had begun lifesaving measures on Berry before they arrived. At least three of the people riding on the golf carts were members of the Redings Mill Fire Department, and all would have had knowledge of measures that could have been taken.

-The Carl Junction Police Department recommended filing a charge of involuntary manslaughter in the first degree.

-The drivers, Brant Cullen and Kreg Myers, refused to talk to police without an attorney, which does not prove they committed a crime, but definitely indicated they knew they were in trouble.

So let me see if I understand.

Carl Junction Police turned over an investigative report to Jasper County Prosecuting Attorney Theresa Kenney that indicated a death took place as a result of reckless actions, people left the scene of an accident without making any attempt to help the victim, the golf carts were taken from the scene, which would seem to be tampering with evidence.

And yet, Kenney declined to prosecute the case, saying there wasn't enough evidence.

That would indicate the prosecuting attorney wants her cases giftwrapped before she files charges- which is exactly what the Carl Junction Police Department did.

Now that attention is beginning to focus on the case once more, Kenney has said she has consulted with the Missouri Attorney General's office, which has some expert that can help in dealing with traffic safety cases.

Better late than never.


Anonymous said...

It’s terribly sad how the little Kansas toddler who was killed by a Joplin sniper walked away from criminal charges due to lazy and politically reckless prosecutors. Both of her parents are dead as well so she has no voice like Tucker.

Anonymous said...

Prosecuting Attorney Theresa Kenney needs to be relieved of her position. To many case slip cases her and her office. The victim advocate can’t do anything to help the victims because Prosecuting Attorney Theresa Kenney is so Hell bent on not doing her job! Let’s be honest here let’s get an attorney in that office that will go after the people that have done wrong and stand up for the true victims.
FIRE Prosecuting Attorney Theresa Kenney!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

When the defendants, if there are defendants, are acquitted I hope all of you wanna be prosecutors come back to say you were wrong.

Anonymous said...

This Information - Should Stop the "Victim Shaming" of Tucker Berry - While Exonerating - all the Cover-Ups of the Rest of the Individuals who were part of this. There is too much Damning Information - these Indvidual's - FAILED TO HELP TUCKER BERRY - Letting Him Dye Right in Front of their Eyes - While they all did a CYA (Cover Your AZZ). This is just Plain Shameful and Disgusting!!!

It is time for the Prosecuting Attorney Theresa Kenney to be removed from office. The Attorney General needs to step in and review the Jasper County Prosecuting Attorney's Office, the Findings of this Case, and to Bring Charges Against the Defendants and get some Cooperation or Prosecute them All.

Again, I had Mentioned the same issues / findings - before - this is why that Tucker Berry - was a VICTIM OF A COVER UP - By his Fellow Firefighters

Among those findings:

-Witnesses said the drivers of the two golf carts that were racing, Brant Cullen and Kreg Myers, were driving recklessly, plus let's not forget - Probably Drunk in Public too.

-The golf carts were removed from the scene before the ambulance arrived - Why Remove them if you are NOT Trying to Cover the Accident Scene.

-First responders told police no one had begun lifesaving measures on Berry before they arrived. At least three of the people riding on the golf carts were members of the Redings Mill Fire Department, and all would have had knowledge of measures that could have been taken. Again, Why didn't they Try to Save - TUCKER - WHY???

-The Carl Junction Police Department recommended filing a charge of involuntary manslaughter in the first degree. Why isn't Prosecuting Attorney Theresa Kenney - Doing her Job, is she Death, Dumb, and Blind - or just Pissed Off, because No One would Voted for her when she ran for Judge???

-The drivers, Brant Cullen and Kreg Myers, refused to talk to police without an attorney, which does not prove they committed a crime, but definitely indicated they knew they were in trouble. Doesn't Sound - Innocent when they don't want to Talk about their Drunken Actions or Take any Responsibility - They also, need to put these Individuals on "Leave from their Jobs", Do you Want Cowards, People that Cover-Up the Truth, and Fail to React in a Time of Need - What if that was You, Your Family, or Friends - Sends a "BAD MESSAGE", When you Cannot Trust these Men / Firefighters to do their Jobs - in a Time of Need - For Anyone, Especially a Comrade in Arms, That Lays Dying or Needs Help Right In Front of Your Eyes.

Anonymous said...

I’ve said it multiple times she needs to go away I don’t care where she goes as long as it’s far away

Anonymous said...

Since you apparently need to try harder to keep up:

When the defendants are criminally charged, if they are charged; and if those charged either plead guilty or are convicted in a court of law, at least a few probably will hope some of the perp defenders and victim blamers come back.

If and when that happens, instead of more minimizing about the culprits either not doing anything, or their lives being ruined, do feel free to post your apologies under your real names.

Anonymous said...

Complicated cases can take a while to prosecute.

Apparently there was not much reporting or cooperation from those at the scene.

Give the prosecution time to get organized.

If there were a few people in the golf carts that were not driving, then hauling them in to testify in front of a grand jury may help refresh their memories and loosen their tongues.

Meantime they can simmer in their second thoughts and regrets.

That dentist.

Anonymous said...

Agreed. Do we need a recall petition to do that?