This is the report submitted by the Carl Junction Police Department to Jasper County Prosecuting Attorney Theresa Kenney.
After reviewing the report and the possible charges of involuntary manslaughter, tampering with physical evidence in a felony prosecution and leaving the scene of a motor vehicle crash, Kenney elected not to file charges.
You've heard a lot about this case over the past several weeks. Now you can look at the information and see what you think.
Should charges have been filed in this case?
Let me know what you think in the comments. As always, if you have additional information, feel free to e-mail me at or message me at my Facebook page or at the Inside Joplin Facebook page.
I will divide this into either three or four parts. When I am finished, links to all parts will be included on each post.
The Turner Report: The complete Tucker Berry investigative file (minus redactions) Part Two
The Turner Report: The complete Tucker Berry investigative file (minus redactions) Part Three
Thank You.
Wow - A Very Thorough and Documented Investigative Report - So why did our Prima Donna - Jasper County Prosecuting Attorney - Theresa Kenney - Not see where this Case Warranted Her to File Charges - Again, I ask this Question - Is She Unqualified for the Job, Just Dumb, or just too Busy Doing Nothing as Usual - to Do Her Job? Does this Woman ever Prosecute a Case??? Time for her to get off her Azz and do something - Jasper County is Tired of Government People Wasting the Taxpayers Money and Time - DO SOMEHTING!!!
I know this much I’ll never trust the Redings Mill Fire Department ever again especially knowing they have employees who left their own behind to die to protect themselves
Clearly Tucker Berry - Was a Victim!
For all those Skeptics - who kept saying that Tucker Berry, wasn't a VICTIM - Needs to Retract all of those Idiotic Comments. The Evidence - Hiding their Golf Carts, what the Witnesses Said, the Ambulance Workers - Who asked if any of these So-Called-Brave Fireman - Started CPR or any Life-Savings Procedures - Which they Answered they had Not - WHICH IS JUST PLAIN CRAZY - Then all of the Radio-Silence of Not wanting to Talk to the Authorities - What a Bunch of Low-Lifes - They should all be Charged Criminally, Fired, and Sued into Bankruptcy for their Actions - - Where is the Brotherhood Bond - Which shows these Guys Stand For Nothing - Except Saving their Own Individual AZZES!
I Would Never Trust Them with My Families Lives. They Failed!!!
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