A bill that would prevent thin-skinned politicians from receiving late challenges from independent candidates will have a hearing Feb. 12 before the Senate Financial and Governmental Organizations and Elections Committee.
SB 409, proposed by Senators Gary Nodler, R-Joplin, and Delbert Scott, R-Lowry City, provides for the following:
Any person desiring to be an independent candidate in a general election for any office to be filled by voters throughout the state, or for any congressional district, state senate district, state representative district, or circuit judge district shall file a written declaration of intent to be an independent candidate with the secretary of state not later than 5 p.m. on the last Tuesday in March immediately preceding the general election in which the person intends to be an independent candidate.
Both Nodler and Scott faced challenges from independent candidates in 2006, which forced them to dip into the campaign treasury and actually use their money for their own elections, rather than ship it to other candidates and party committees to help build their influence within the Republican party.
It appears that other potential independent candidates may have to pay the price because Kim Wright and Mike Holzknecht dared challenge Nodler and Scott.
Please give us names and numbers or addresses to inform the powers that be of the stupidity of this bill. I promise in my letter, I won't use the word "stupid", well I'll try.
What’s the deadline now? It seems to me like independents ought not have an advantage (albeit slight) of sneaking in at the last moment and avoiding the same scrutiny of their backgrounds that party candidates are subjected to.
On the other hand, I have never heard of an independent candidate (other then Joe Lieberman) winning anything, so I suppose the anonymity of being an independent cuts both ways.
Very funny! Randy doesn't know that the two election bills introduced by Senator Nodler were drafted by Secretary of State Robin Carnahan who is supporting both bills. It seems that after the election fiasco in Jasper county the Secretary of State looked at problems and supported reforms, this is one of them. Since Robin Carnahan's office drafted the bill aren't you venting in the wrong direction??? Oh yes you shot off your mouth without knowing all the facts or asking questions, so now Mr. Reporter Randy call Carnahan like a good reporter, confirm her support of the bill, and then attack her!
So are you actually suggesting that Republican Gary Nodler is introducing a bill REALLY authored by Democrat Robin Carnahan to supress the Independents? I would have to have proof....so, you know this how???
because I am a real reporter!
If you were a real reporter, you might employ punctuation.
It's always "casual Friday" on a blog and even reporters don't have to watch syntax, spelling or puncuation...
I ARE a reporter, too, so I KNOWS this.
Of course you will not hear any comment from Turner as he once again is wrong.
One of the things I have most enjoyed about this blog is the opportunity to interact with readers, even the ones who disagree with the things I write. This has not been the case with the supporters (though there may just be one) of Gary Nodler, who have done their best time after time to twist the truth, resort to namecalling, and, all in all, resort to the bullying tactics which have been a hallmark of Sen Nodler's political career.
If I come across information that Secretary of State Carnahan was behind this legislation, I will be happy to publish it, though that is not what makes this newsworthy.
Two senators. both of whom had to dip into their hefty campaign tills to fend off bothersome challenges from Independent candidates, suddenly propose a bill to prevent that from ever happening again. If it had been two other senators, I probably would not have written about it. This is a story of two elected officials sponsoring legislation in which they have a particular interest. I do enjoy the fact that I appear to have gotten under Sen. Nodler's skin. That would seen to indicate some anti-blogging legislation is coming in the near future.
Amen Randy. It is always nice when others have the same view point. I enjoy this so much because there appear to be several us who feel this bill is inappropriate and one person in support...who could that one person be....
If you don't stop your innuendos I'll call the manager and have you thrown out, you retard.
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