Monday, August 02, 2010

The Fuse Joplin: Wardell poll shows Goodman with seven-point lead in Seventh

The Fuse Joplin reports that an internal poll commissioned by Seventh District Congressional District Michael Wardell's campaign shows Jack Goodman with a 22 percent to 15 percent lead over Billy Long and Gary Nodler.

While I would have to question just how good a poll Michael Wardell's campaign could pay for, the most interesting part of the poll is that it shows 31 percent of the electorate as being undecided.


Anonymous said...

Please, God, let him be right.

GCook said...

Wardell with 8%? Really? And 31% of the voters are undecided? Something is amiss in this poll it seems to me...

Eli Yokley said...

I don't know how much stock I'd put in this poll, other than it being interesting. I thought I'd rather release it than sit on it, though.

Randy said...

No problem with that as far as I am concerned.

GCook said...

No, I think that your release was a great coup for you Eli. I am just saying that I think the poll has some funny numbers.

Anonymous said...

Eli, Randy, News2K:

Internal poll?

Randy, you and I are old enough to know better.

Eli, you're young enough not to know better.

News2K, I don't know you.

Wardell as much as endorsed Goodman at the Extension Council Forum. I can understand him moving closer to Jack in that his campaign is more at less than 1% in the 'non-internal' polls of Long, Nodler and Goodman.

These three have spend several thousand dollars to gain knowledge about voter opinions; name identification; issue ratings; testing their messages; and monitoring movement of voter opinions, basically county by county.

A very heavy turnout in the West favors Nodler and Goodman. A very Heavy turnout in the East favors Long, Moore, Wisdom and is of benefit to Goodman.

At this point, the candidate who makes the fewest calls to the voters may have the advantage.

Cheers, beers, and best wishes.

GCook said...

Nice to make your acquaintance anonymous. ;-)

Anonymous said...

So it turns out Long is a bad choice but why should that help Goodman? Is Goodman, a scumbag lawyer and aspiring career politician, really that much better than Darrell Moore or Jeff Wisdom? Dissatisfied Long voters should consider one of these two candidates before enabling the second coming of Roy Blunt in Jack Goodman. Goodman will talk the social conservative talk but he'll play politics with the best of them.

Unknown said...

Ha! That sucks for Jack Goodman volunteers. No money for you ... but he just hired Penmac workers to be at the voting booths. Imagine the guy boasted 1900 volunteers and he had only 20. Amazing.

Anonymous said...


I'm one of Jack's army of 2010 in 2010. I've been busting my hump with hundreds of my close friends and neighbors for the last three months to ensure that pinheads like you have quality representation in DC.

You don't have to vote for him tomorrow, but you better get used to calling him Congressman.

Anonymous said...

Hey Bo,

Action Jack had 1900 hits on his website, not 1900 volunteers.
He has a tendancy to embellish things.

Things like his legislative record, what he will do in Washington, meeting his wife while THEY were in Columbia (she was visiting a friend one weekend), which church he belongs to for political purposes, his prosecutorial record in Lawrence County, (how many convictions did he get in five years).

Come to think of it, I can't think of a single case Bob George assigned to him that he completed.

Oh, also, his Dad taught him how to draw from the taxpayer well.

Anonymous said...

I think you are the one who likes to embellish. Jack was an assistant prosecutor in Dade county wich is why he did not complete any assignments from Bob George the Lawrance county prosecutor. P.S.- Your silly, or should I call you Bo?

Anonymous said...

Jeff Roe must be a closet fan of the Dukes of Hazzard and has a dream of one day being small enough to slide across the General Lee and fit his fat ass through the window. It's wishful thinking on Roe's part, but it will never happen.

As for the PENMAC claim, I am sure Billy Long's campaign finance records, which are already in question, will show temporary workers when filed. This is the usual game Long plays to cover the slime ball actions of his own campaign.