Friday, March 14, 2014

Anson Burlingame on rumor, innuendo, fat teachers, and unsightly tattoos

The Joplin Globe's regular "guest columnist" Anson Burlingame has been weighing in on the April city council and school board races and I have to hand it to him, you definitely can't find commentary like this anywhere else. For example, his thoughts on Joplin City Council candidate Miranda Lewis:

 I have no idea who she is or how she thinks. I have it on good rumor and innuendo that she is a “good candidate”. But other than that, I have no idea. I do recall I had a petition shoved in my face at a dinner party a couple of months ago to support her however. My advice to her is to give me things of substance to consider, other than a petition offered with kind words from a friend, of her’s and mine. For now, vote for Lewis on hope not any facts that I am aware of, so far.

In a post ripping Joplin R-8 Board of Education candidate Debbie Fort, Burlingame offered this insightful comentary:

I observed a teacher at a JHS graduation a year or so ago. She was fat, very poorly dressed, wore flip flops to that formal ceremony where the President spoke, and just looked like a real slob, pardon the expression. Appearances do count, sometimes and for a teacher to represent her profession in such a manner is just wrong. I would hope they would look and act like teachers that that I once knew that acted and looked like true professionals. Is that too “old” a view? I also wonder where Debbie stands on tattoos worn by teachers and seen by young kids??


Anonymous said...

The semi-literate Burlingame is correct--appearances do matter.

His literary and grammatical skills have the appearance of belonging to a sixth grader.

His analytic ability appears never to have developed at all.

Anonymous said...

I don't get what he's saying about the fat teacher. Was that Debbie Fort or just an unknown teacher? What does that have to do with anything anyway?

Anonymous said...

Well, that's just rude. I have to agree with 6:51-----what does anybody's weight have to do with anything?

Anonymous said...

I seem to remember many plump and wonderful teachers while I was growing up. Like a lot of extra grandmothers. Perhaps the teacher involved here had lost her clothes in the tornado and still had not rebuilt a professional wardrobe. Perhaps she had been shut in a holding room with the kids for four hours and was wilting from the heat. Perhaps, and this is the most likely scenario, Anson, since she works for R8 she can't afford anything better. That would be for administrators and their trolls. Teachers must make do with what they have. And that's not too damned much. Stuff it, Burlingame. You are part of the problem, and you have no solutions.

Anonymous said...

How has voting for people based on "hope" worked so far anson? Oh yes now I remember- we got the worst president ever. Just keep writing your eloquent and self serving blogs for the globe until the only sound we hear is crickets chirping in the empty shell of the newspaper building.

Also anson you should be careful labeling people, with a big fat head like yours.

Anonymous said...

So, the district is broke. Teachers are leaving en masse. Scores are down. Morale is at an all time low. Ethics violations abound. And Anson Burlingame's biggest concerns are what teachers are wearing, what they weigh, and what Debbie Fort's stance is on tattoos? Those priorities are just profoundly ignorant and small minded, just like Anson and his followers, assuming he has any. No wonder he is prized at the Globe, and no wonder he admires CJ Huff. It's always about appearances and never about anything substantial.

Anonymous said...

Hateful much, Anson?