Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Joplin Progress Committee reveals why it is being honest

In a message on its website, the Joplin Progress Committee, that open, yet secretive group of city power players that wants to continue the work of former city manager Mark Rohr and Joplin R-8 Superintendent C. J. Huff explains why it is revealing from whom it is getting its money:

We believe in order to call for transparency of our elected officials, we must operate in the same manner. This is why we decided in the very beginning to file with the Missouri Ethics Commission and report every donation, every dollar given to candidates and every endorsement. 

It is certainly commendable for this committee to make it sound like it is making a sacrifice to ensure that it operates in an ethical manner.

Of course, nowhere in this message does it say that is has to operate that way- or it would be breaking the law.


Anonymous said...

CJ Huff and financial transparency just don't go together. Like oil and water. Snake oil, that is. That didn't get by the government either, when it turned R8 down for the Race to the Top funds for the second time--lack of financial transparency was a major issue. Where does that money come from, CJ? An enquiring public wants to know.

Anonymous said...

Transparency and Joplin don't go together, period.

Anonymous said...

If they want to continue the work of Mark rohr they will need to purchase some whips and chains and cattle prods to keep the employees motivated.

They will also need to hire some sketchy mediocre consultants to save Joplin from itself.

And don't forget the massive corruption that he was about to expose before he got sidetracked with his "Joplin will never find anyone as awesome as me" goodbye speech.

Anonymous said...

I don't see any problem with rich people hand picking who we get to vote for.

why not just skip the election process and let Joplin progress committee just fill the openings?

Or better yet- let the globe select the winning candidates? Oh wait, they are already trying to do that.

Anonymous said...

I definitely will vote against anyone that the Joplin progress committee endorses