Monday, March 03, 2014

Mark Rohr will speak to Joplin City Council in a few moments

The recent firing of City Manager Mark Rohr continues to be a subject of debate for the Joplin City Council.

As this is being written, Kim Seavy, 1607 Byars Avenue, just completed offering criticism of the firing of Rohr and the investigative report.

It has just been confirmed that Rohr will speak in a few moments.

Rohr was added to the agenda moments ago, as well as another Joplin citizen, Maurice Filson, 824 Vermont Avenue.

Filson opened his statement by criticizing the council "for promoting your own selfish agenda instead of ours."

Filson said "you work for us, we do not work for you."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Rohr will drive to the meeting or just rip off his clothes and fly there wearing his Super Rohr costume.