Saturday, September 04, 2010

Humphreys gives $10,000 to Jane Cunningham

The biggest enemy public education has in the state of Missouri, Jane Cunningham, is the latest ultra right wing recipient of campaign cash from David and Debra Humphreys of TAMKO in Joplin.

A 48-hour report filed with the Missouri Ethics Commission indicates the Humpheys gave $10,000 to Mrs. Cunningham, who is not even up for election until 2012

Mrs. Cunningham, who was thwarted in her efforts to remake public schools into her image during her one term as a public school board member, who sought revenge throughout her eight years in the House and her first two years in the Senate, offering one bill after another demonizing public school teachers.

1 comment:

Quit Whining said...

A number of parents voted for Jane Cunningham over the years. So she rose from being a school board member to a state rep and now is a state senator. She has told her electorate what she intends to do and her policies have their approval.

Public education is going to undergo a contraction soon simply because the taxpayers have lost their jobs and homes and simply cannot afford to gold-plate these Taj Mahals of Ignorance any more. The old ways are failing us, and no longer can we afford to go with something which hasn't worked.

As I recollect, Cunningham proposed a law which would keep teachers like you from stalking their students and increase criminal background checks. You had a fit over it, but many of us thought that Cunningham's proposal had merit.

You can't always get what you want, Turner. Especially when it is foolish or self-serving. You need to understand that education budgets need to be cut, and you teachers need to be made more accountable.