Tuesday, September 28, 2010

In Democratic ad, Roy Blunt explains his wife's lobbying job

The latest Missouri Democratic Party ad does not appear to be one of its better ones. In it, a video of Seventh District Congressman Roy Blunt explaining who his lobbyist wife Abigail Perlman works far, is played. Big deal! We know she's a lobbyist and we also knew Blunt tried to help her by slipping in wording into:

 the Homeland Security Bill that would benefit Phillip Morris and tobacco companies.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Here's some real lobbying, Mr. Obama takes the US taxpayers $ and gives a cash grant of $107 million in July of this year to Tom Carnahan, the brother of Ms. Robin Carnahan. (see below) Ms. Carnahan's other brother, Russ, a US Congressman, voted for the bill that gave the $107 million to Tom. It's a little hard to follow all the Carnahan players. Grand Dad Carnahan was a US Congressman, Mom Carnahan was a US Senator, Dad Caranhan was elected a US Senator. They say Roy Blunt is an insider? $107 million says the Carnahans are going to clean up thier Washington glass house?!?

From the ST Louis Post Dispatch website:
Among the "green" projects in the report is a $107 million grant-in-lieu-of tax credit for the Lost Creek Wind Farm in northwest Missouri.

That project is developed by Wind Capital Group of St. Louis, whose president and CEO is Tom Carnahan. He's the brother of Rep. Russ Carnahan, D-St. Louis, and Missouri Secretary of State Robin Carnahan.
