Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Missouri Auto Dealers Association working on deal with Tesla, legislature

(From the Missouri Automobile Dealers Association)

The Missouri Auto Dealers Association (MADA) President Doug Smith, whose organization represents more than 400 auto dealerships across Missouri, has issued a statement on the ongoing discussions between MADA, Tesla Motors, and legislative stakeholders on legislative efforts to ensure that Missouri’s vehicle franchise law continues to protect Missouri auto consumers while promoting competition in the auto sales market.

MADA President Doug Smith said: “Auto dealers across the state have operated within Missouri’s vehicle franchise law for nearly thirty years. We believe that the law protects Missouri auto consumers and promotes market competition and should continue to be in place. Today, along with leadership from Tesla Motors and House Majority Leader John Diehl, we continued discussions on a legislative solution to ensure this law continues to be applied fairly in Missouri. We are pleased with the progress of the discussions and will continue working on this important issue in the coming days.”


mattsqz said...

next they'll be passing a law requiring me to purchase my next TV at wal-mart instead of ordering it online, mail-order.

i fail to see how this protects consumers in the least bit. it protects middlemen. that is all.

mattsqz said...

next they'll be passing a law requiring me to purchase my next TV at wal-mart instead of ordering it online, mail-order.

this in no way protects the consumer or promotes competition - it reduces consumer choice and stifles competition!

they are trying to legislate tesla into selling cars through dealerships. if they dont want to sell through dealerships, they should not have to. their volume is low enough that each car is tailor made for the customer.