Saturday, March 04, 2023

Eric Burlison: Lord Fauci and Biden Administration owe us an apology and must be held accountable

(From Seventh District Congressman Eric Burlison)

The Department of Energy and the FBI have now confirmed what everyone knew – that COVID was created in a Chinese government lab in Wuhan.

The entirety of the federal government, our intelligence agencies, elected officials, the media, and Big Tech attacked and lied to us for three years to cover for China and their own complicity in the outbreak.

Despite all this, Joe Biden still hasn’t said a word about it. His National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan claimed this week, “we just don’t have enough information to be sure.” Of course, he's lying.

The most disgraceful part of this entire thing is our government lied to us to cover for the Chinese government. Any opposition was met with criticisms of being called a “science denier.” For standing up for truth, many of our courageous medical professionals that didn’t repeat the propaganda were accused of spreading misinformation and disinformation.

Anyone who opposed Lord Fauci and “the science” by suggesting the virus came from a lab was censored. Twitter banned any users who claimed the virus was man-made. The “fact-checkers” “debunked” every claim and called it a dangerous “conspiracy theory!”

These people owe us an apology and must be held accountable.


Anonymous said...

What a complete moron. Where do people of this part of the county dredge up such under educated, right wing hacks? This political "intellectual" probably babbles on about his refusal to vaccinate when in reality, he's like most of the spineless maga cult who secretly did vaccinate to save their own lives but lie about to protect their "trumpian" facade. Lord Fauchi might have saved you and your family's lives. A debt of gratitude is deserving.....something Eric can only swear to the twice impeached sociopath.

Anonymous said...

5:45am, keep drinking the Kool-Aid......

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it be funny if COVID eliminated just enough anti-maskers and anti-vaxxers to hand close elections last year to the Democrats?

Anonymous said...

Hey Eric, why won't you denounce white supremacy like a majority of your repub counterparts?...are you afraid?