Friday, June 30, 2023

City of Joplin secures American Rescue Plan funding to assist with priority projects

(From the City of Joplin)

City officials have been actively pursuing new funding opportunities through the America Rescue Plan Act, identifying multiple projects that would be eligible under the various criteria. 

More than half of the City’s top 20 priority projects have received $28.4 million in funding from federal, state, and county grants. 

These awards are in addition to the nearly $13.8 million federal ARPA award sent directly to Joplin. The City continues its efforts to bring new funding to our community, while also developing the programs for grants they recently were awarded.

Community Revitalization

Several new housing programs will soon assist homeowners with repairs and maintenance and also provide resources for potential home buyers to get into a home. Funding of $3.5 million through Missouri’s Dept. of Economic Development’s Community Revitalization Program, will allow the City to develop the criteria to address these areas.

This is not a new concept for our community, as the City offered a home-ownership assistance program (JHAP) following the 2011 tornado that helped homebuyers of 578 new homes. This program will be similar to the original JHAP, with details currently being finalized.

“We know home ownership is a primary goal of many in Joplin, and this program will offer some funding assistance to help those with down-payment or closing costs,” said City Manager Nick Edwards. “We’re working through the details and will be announcing this soon. We encourage citizens to watch for more information.”

Homeowners needing to make home repairs and improvements to their existing home is another category that the City will address. Home renovation can be costly, and this program could provide funds for those making modifications to their homes to improve their structure for economic, safety, and security reasons.

“This grant provides funding to establish several programs to assist our citizens with housing. It also will give us resources to clean up areas of neglect and disrepair, which is part of the Council’s goals set in 2020. This award brings much-needed resources to address declining neighborhoods and provide more affordable housing.”

With the grant providing $3.5 million and the City’s match contribution from original ARPA dollars, the City will have $7 million committed to community revitalization and establishing several programs, including: $2 million for minor exterior home repairs, defined as no more than $40,000 per household;
$2 million for demolition of dangerous structures; and
$3 million for down payment assistance, and closing costs, defined as no more than 20% of the purchase price and not to exceed $40,000 per applicant

“This program will be designed to help residents needing to fix specific items in their homes in order to provide the longevity they want and need from the residence. We want to partner with them in their home investment.”

Joplin Public Safety

Joplin Public Safety Departments were awarded $60,000 through the Missouri Department of Public Safety to assist in equipment, supplies, and training needs. The maximum grant amount to recipients was $20,000.

Joplin Fire Department, Police Department and Emergency Medical Services each received $20,0000, the maximum amount of the grant. Funds will assist the JFD in equipping firefighters with a second set of fire turnout gear. Turnout gear includes pants, helmets, coats, boots, and gloves manufactured with composite layers to withstand the heat of fires.

Outdoor Recreation Area

Joplin will build on a $1.75 million project previously approved by the voters of Joplin through the ¼-cent parks and stormwater sales tax. The grant award will ensure the development of a new outdoor recreation area with $1.437 million through the Local Tourism Asset Development Grant Program will be a regional economic draw for the community. The project gained local support through the parks master plan process has been named DORA, the Dover Outdoor Recreation Area. This park will include bicycle-related amenities such as a BMX-style pump track, a children’s bike playground, and five to seven miles of single-track mountain bike trail. ljhljl

Joplin Visitors Bureau Director Patrick Tuttle said, “We’re thrilled to bring this to Joplin not only for our community, but we anticipate the park will draw many to our area. Biking has become a wonderful recreational activity for families who enjoy it as part of their vacations and outings. It will be a great addition and strengthen the amenities we have for all ages.”

Different types of biking trails for recreational rides as well as challenging paths will be included in this area. Watch for more details as this plan develops.

Other areas

Other projects for the City have also received funding to assist with stormwater and wastewater projects, drinking water improvements, infrastructure upgrades, and additional public safety communications equipment. An update to the ARPA grants was given to City Council at their May 15, 2023 meeting. To view the presentation, go to the City Council Amended May 15 Agenda at

(This article originally appearing in The Citizen newsletter, summer issue.)


Anonymous said...

Joe Biden did this!

Not the do nothing republicants.

Anonymous said...

Joe Biden did nothing. American taxpayers will be paying n g for this for the next 50 years