Sunday, December 17, 2023

Burlison introduces anti-union bill

(From Seventh District Congressman Eric Burlison)

Congressman Eric Burlison (MO-07) introduced the Worker's Choice Act which would allow workers who opt out of a union in a right-to-work state to represent themselves before employers.

"The Worker's Choice Act allows employees the ability to negotiate for themselves the working conditions they will accept and will free them from being subjected to the terms of a union negotiated contract" said Rep. Burlison.

"Workers in right-to-work states are not truly allowed to negotiate their own working conditions when they are still forced to accept union-negotiated terms. By freeing workers from union contracts, we are allowing American workers to have control over their own destiny. Self-determination made our country great, and this legislation supports the spirit of independence for the American worker."

The Worker's Choice Act would give workers the option to either be a union member and accept working conditions negotiated by the union or negotiate for compensation and working conditions independently and provide for their own representation in grievances and other dealings.

This legislation also addresses the forced rider issue, wherein workers in right-to-work states, despite not belonging to a union, are still forced to accept the conditions a union has negotiated.

The Worker's Choice Act does not impose new restrictions on employers, workers, or unions and does not make any changes to collective bargaining.

Click here to read the bill text


Anonymous said...

And people thought Billy Long was a joke.

Anonymous said...

I hope it passes, unions need to go !

Anonymous said...

Unions get the blame for a lot of things, which according to the right wing are bad.

No more child labor.


Overtime pay after 40 hours.

Laws that made it the employer's fault when employees get hurt of killed on the job.

Laws that pay the survivors of those killed on the job.

No more company stores!

No more lead in paint!

It's deplorable.

Actually what's really deplorable is that half of SW MO looks around at why things aren't so great, and blames something that hardly exists in SW MO.

Only some kind of a fool would think...never mind!

The right wing always takes full advantage of it's low information voters who are easily convinced to vote against their own best interests.