Saturday, December 09, 2023

Four teacher resignations on tap for Neosho R-5 Board Monday meeting

The Neosho R-5 Board of Education is scheduled to accept four teacher resignations, approve the district audit and hear reports when it meets 6 p.m. Monday in the Administrative Center.

Teachers resigning are:

-John Henderson, fourth grade, South Elementary, effective December 1

-Keith Demm, ELA, Neosho Junior High, effective May 24

-David Wallace, special education, Neosho High School, effective June 30 (retirement)

-Glynn Bennion, MLL, Neosho Junior High

The agenda is printed below:

I. Dinner - 5:30 p.m.

II. Call Board Meeting to Order- 6:00 p.m.

III. Approval of the Agenda and Roll Call of Members

IV. Pledge of Allegiance

V. Public Participation

VI. Administrator Reports

VII. Consent Agenda - Action Items
i. Approval of the Minutes
ii. Approval of Student Attendance
iii. Approval of Finance Reports
iv. Acceptance of Resignations
v. Employment of Personnel
vi. Approval of New Vendors
vii. Approval of the Audit

VIII. Current Action Items
i. Approval of Beverage Contract
ii. RISE Lot Master Planning

IX. Informational Material - Non-Action Items
i. Input for January

X. Executive Session
i. Sunshine Law 610.021 (1) (2) (3) & (14)

XI. Adjourn


Anonymous said...

What happened to the life insurance lawsuit? Just wondering if the board settled to keep it off the front page?

Randy said...

The life insurance lawsuit is still going with no hearings scheduled at this time.

Anonymous said...

Stalling for Cummins to leave since it involves the place that his sister works for? You know, Neosho stuff.

Anonymous said...

Blame it on the all the storage units Ben thinks are invading!

Anonymous said...

We also need to bring up the lack of time that our children get for lunch. 20 minutes to get to the cafeteria, get through the line of a several kids to get your tray, to finally have about 5 minutes to eat. Unacceptable. My kids all come home hungry because they didn’t get to eat at all or just a little. Several other policies need to be change too. This crap that if my kid hits another student in self defense they too get suspended, ISS or OSS. Not one person would stand there and get hit without defending themselves in the real world. Why do we have different expectations for our children? Also, dress coding should never be a priority over the safety of the children. Dress code standards should be replace too because not everyone is the same size and some of the policies only affect certain people. Not to mention who you are and who you know plays into this as well.

Anonymous said...

My neighbors son is in high school and has been threatened by one of his classmates. He even showed me a video of the young man making threats with a handgun. The school has been informed and the police as well. Why hasn't either establishment taken any action towards the young man or the person that has allowed access to a handgun to a minor. If something bad happened, every single person on the school board would be responsible. And should do jail time for their negligence. I think every single parent should know how little the administration seems to care about the situation, especially since the amount of school shootings has increased over the years.

Anonymous said...

That comment about the threatened young man. If it doesn't show up on here, maybe I will go to other places and start posting.

Anonymous said...

This is so scary! Something needs to be done. NOW!

Anonymous said...

I'll take "bull shit that never happened" for $200 Alex