Thursday, December 21, 2023

Joplin men charged with firing AR-15 at someone else's property while intoxicated

The Newton County Prosecuting Attorney filed a misdemeanor unlawful use of a weapon while intoxicated charge against Justin S. Chandler (DOB 1979), Joplin, and Dale A. Pedersen (DOB 1959) today.

From the probable cause statement:

From his front yard, Justin Chandler, while under the influence of alcohol, shot multiple rounds from an AR 15 across into targets that he had set up on someone else's property on the other side of the roadway. 

Justin Chandler admitted to being under the influence of alcohol and shooting into the targets on the other side of the roadway from his yard. Justin admitted to this not being the first time that he had shot the targets across the roadway.

Pedersen's probable cause statement was virtually identical.

Tinitial appearance for both men is scheduled for 10 a.m. February 20 in Newton County Circuit Court.

The case was investigated by the Newton County Sheriff's Office.


Anonymous said...

Even if those arms are designed to cause catastrophic obliteration, mass casualty numbers, create fear and panic in every school in America, and were solely designed for warfare. All you 2nd amendment deplorables have absolutely no idea the emotional carnage your infatuation has, and is, causing among our nations youth and younger generations. There's nothing wrong with owning a smaller caliber firearm. There is no reason to own a high caliber kiling machine and in doing so is to turn the 2nd amendment into an abomination of the original intention of the forefathers,who by the way, would disapprove of our nation's valuing the love of guns over the lives of innocent children and families.

Anonymous said...

F - Cletus - I am Registered Gun Owner - Believe and Follow the Constitution - but this is the Kind of Crap - where Stupid Individuals, like this guy should never be allowed to own another gun.

They keep giving the public the typical stereo type view of Gun Owners - When the majority of us use our guns for Hunting, Sport, Target, and General Protection - Not to get Drunk and Start Firing aimlessly at others or their properties.

I Hope the Lock this Guy up for a Long Time and Take his Guns - Permanently.

Anonymous said...

an AR-15 is literally .22 caliber. it doesn't get much smaller.

Anonymous said...

The problem is that these folks aren't right and they have their guns and they use them.

Anonymous said...

"an AR-15 is literally .22 caliber"....

It's a 5.56×45mm. Literally it's a .223, does the necked down case matter much to the velocity or lethality?

it doesn't get much smaller....

Plenty big enough to kill, just ask around in places like Vietnam, Afghanstan and Iraq.

Anonymous said...

These gun control idiots don’t have a clue what they are talking about. They are indoctrinated by the Pronoun Party

Anonymous said...

I bet you were Vaxed, good luck with that

Anonymous said...

My brother was killed by a drunk driver who by definition was an idiot, who was allowed to own a car, who got drunk and broke the law with a 4,000 pound lethal object but out of all of the people that get paraded around here on this very website I have never seen one single comment about banning all of cars. I wonder why that is ? Cars are not even protected under the Constitution.

Anonymous said...

716 and1023 are what's wrong with this country.....ignorant intellectually, bankrupt morally and totally self indulged at the expense of those around them.

Anonymous said...

Just a good old boys
Never meanin' no harm

Anonymous said...

@10:55 And I've never seen anyone want to ban all guns, at least not anyone with any credibility. Except for Trump, that time when he said take the gun first then follow the process, lol. As a gun owner myself, there are some weapons that untrained civilians just shouldn't have.

There are also some people that should not have guns.

Anonymous said...

Hey 11:00 Morally? Are you a Dim? Dims kill babies. Interesting thought process.

Anonymous said...

"Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited... It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose." Antonin Scalia

Anonymous said...

There are also people that shouldn’t vote.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

1248, Dim-wits like yourself kill out of ignorance. You find some issue that props you up, leading you to believe that as long as you're part of that group you're safely free to make egregious statements of erroneous fact just as the majority of republicans and their hitler worshipping orange blob seek to gaslight us all with their "alternative facts".

Anonymous said...

Namely. Maganuts, white nationalist, and pubs who think lazer beams from space cause wildfires in California.

Anonymous said...

@10:14 it's not necked down, it was designed that way. if your standard for lethality is the 5.56 NATO, don't google "12 GA" or "7.62 NATO" or "50 BMG" - those also travelled to places like Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Enjoy your victim mentality.

Anonymous said...


Sorry about your butthurt about two members of the 'well regulated militia' who got minor misdemeanors for allegedly endangering the public with their allegedly intoxicated idiocy. Do they happen to be your counsins or brothers from a different mother?

Anonymous said...

116, why don't you let these two drunk idiots in your backyard shooting ar-15's and see how you develop your own butthurt.

Anonymous said...

Kill out of ignorance? I guess it’s ok to kill babies with purpose then? You Dims are so slimy, may god have mercy on your soul

Anonymous said...

Where did you register your gun at? Inquiring minds want to know.