Friday, June 09, 2006

McNary: Arrest educators who teach students who are here illegally

Former St. Louis County official Gene McNary has a solution to a major problem in Missouri...arrest teachers who dare to provide education to children who are not here legally.
While most agency officials, including education officials, told members of a special committee appointed by House Speaker Rod Jetton and headed by Rep. Ed Emery, R-Lamar, that the vast majority of the people whom they serve are either citizens or are here legally, McNary, former director of the Immigration and Naturalization Service during the Reagan Administration, had a different viewpoint:

Gene McNary said that educators, just like employers who hire illegal immigrants, should be able to be charged with the felony of harboring an illegal immigrant if they teach people who aren't legally in the United States.

"You're going to have to create a climate in which it's very unpleasant to live in this country without a legal status," he said.

Perhaps with people like Mr. McNary in charge we could create a crime where it's very unpleasant for any of us to live in this country.

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