Rep. Ed Emery, R-Lamar, pleaded guilty Thursday in Lawrence County Circuit Court to a charge of driving on the wrong side of the roadway, causing an accident, a misdemeanor.
He was not sentenced, according to court records, but was placed on six months of unsupervised probation, with the requirements that he stay out of trouble and pay court costs. The records indicate he paid $68.50 Friday.
Thursday's hearing came after two delays. Hearings had been scheduled for April 3 and June 19, but both were postponed at Emery's request. According to court records, State Senator Jack Goodman, R-Mount Vernon, acting on Emery's behalf, filed a request to delay the April 3 hearing because Emery was in Jefferson City with the state legislature.
The June 19 hearing was also postponed at Emery's request, the court file said.
Emery was not at Thursday's hearing either, the records indicate:
"State appears by APA Gary Troxell. Defendant appears in absentia and by waiver. Concerning the misd information: Defendant waives formal arraignment and reading of the information, and Defendant pleads guilty. Court accepts plea of guilty as voluntary and finds a factual basis for acceptance. At Def's request, Def found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt based upon the file."
The charge was filed following a 2:20 p.m. Feb 3 two-car accident on Highway 96 two miles south of Miller. Emery and a woman in the other car suffered minor injuries, according to the Missouri Highway Patrol report.
The case will be reviewed on Jan. 18, 2007, according to the court file. Of course, the legislature will be in session at that time.
What was his BAC?
I know there has to be a good reason for Mr. Emery delaying his plea of guilty for almost 6 months after the accident and hiring a lawer to pay a $68.50 fine, but nothing in this article addresses it.
Why doesn't any of the newspapers do an interview with him about how this fits in with his Character First programs he used to sell to all of the tax supported organizations and how this can be the Right Direction as his campaign signs read. Is this your idea of a good Public Servant?
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