We still have campaign contribution limits in place, but the legislative district committees we have heard so much about are not the only way to get around them.
The Missouri Bankers Association has a novel approach.
The MBA simply established a political action committee for each region of the state, then each of those PACS contributes to its favored candidates. One of those favored candidates is 32nd District Sen. Gary Nodler, R-Joplin.
In his eight days before the primary disclosure report filed today with the Missouri Ethics Commission, Nodler reported receiving $3,975. Of that total, $2,500 came from MBA PACs in five $500 increments. Nodler received contributions from the MBA's Truman Region, Pony Express Region, Mark Twain Region, Gateway Region, and of course, the Ozark Region. All have the same mailing address 207 E.Capital, Jefferson City.
Nodler had $97,176.88 in his account at the beginning of the reporting period and spent $3,132.90, leaving him with $98,018.90.
His expenditures include $262.50 for registration at the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) meeting in Washington, D. C. As I have pointed out in numerous earlier posts, ALEC is one of the nation's leading proponents of educational vouchers.
Nodler also spent $511.40 for air travel and $118 for Rotary Club of Joplin dues.
The Nodler campaign contributed the maximum $650 to three senatorial candidates, including incumbent Sen. Delbert Scott of Lowry City.
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