The talk of Gov. Matt Blunt as a possible vice presidential candidate for John McCain is not limited to Missouri political pundits.
Andy Card, former chief of staff to President Bush, has our governor on his short list for vice president. "I would take a good luck at Matt Blunt," Card said moments ago in an interview on MSNBC's Morning Joe program.
Card named only three prospects and mentioned each of them twice. The other two were former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who announced his support for McCain Thursday, while the other was Rob Portman, former White House budget director, and former Congressman from Ohio.
That would be the best way I know for McCain NOT to carry Missouri. I hope he does pick Boy Guv, what a picnic that would be.
This will assure Missouri will go Democratic in November.
And, seeing as Missouri is a bell weather state.....so goes the country.
Baby Blunt is already on McCain's list. After all the Naval Academy Protective Association insures he gets a good look. Card is former Merchant Marine Academy so the bond is there.
That would make the Quayle selection seem brilliant by comparison.
Pick a veep who was too scared he'd lose his re-election bid that he decided not to run?
McCain isn't stupid.
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