It has been a while since his rather stormy departure from KODE, but anchor Rich White, who had two stints at the station if memory serves correctly, has left a rather interesting comment on a Sept. 20, 2005, Turner Report entry in which I talked about the station's adapting the news crawl at the bottom of the screen (I still don't like it, except when there is major news, weather information, or cancellations).
Among other things mentioned by White:
I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 1997. For anyone with MS, stress is one of your biggest enemies and TV news is STRESSFUL. My departure from KODE was quite public. Sexual Harassment was the reason given, but the truth of the matter was financial. KODE was in the middle of one of its many sales and dumping a big salary made the deal more attractive to potential buyers. Oddly, a former co-anchor of mine helped ( believe) in this process. She wanted out of her contract so she could be with her boyfriend (a former KOAM Sports Director whom she THOUGHT was going to marry her. This couldn't have been further from the truth. He wound up dumping her and that was the end of that story.) I found it ironic that she chose to screw me over when it was ME who went to bat for her telling the GM that she would make a good co-anchor with me on the 6 & 10. That's the thanks I got for helping her get her first anchor job! It was poetic justice when her boyfriend decided to 'release' her. The lesson there: 'don't screw someone who has helped you'
White is currently working for former KODE reporter Evan Rosen at Impact Video in California. Impact Video's website contains the following information about White:
A 20-year veteran television anchor, Richard White coaches senior executives to maximize media opportunities and deliver powerful presentations. He also has extensive experience narrating and hosting video presentations for leading companies. Richard has held news anchor positions at WEWS-TV in Cleveland, KOB-TV in Albuquerque, KODE-TV in Joplin, Missouri and KHBS-TV in Fort Smith, Arkansas. At KODE-TV, Richard was the primary anchor and managing editor.
Richard has interviewed political leaders including Bill Clinton, Dan Quayle, and Bill Bradley. His long list of celebrity interviews includes Muhammad Ali and Yoko Ono. He has also covered numerous stories in the telecommunications, technology and automotive industries.
Richard is known for his ability to translate complex concepts into plain speak. He has been the featured speaker at many civic group gatherings and has lectured at Missouri Southern State University. He has hosted numerous charity events including the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon. Richard holds a Bachelor of Science in telecommunications from Kent State University.
So did Rich White post this recently or did he post that in 2005?
It was posted last night or I would have pointed it out in 2005.
Thanks, that is what I assumed, but I thought it odd that he would make a post on a story that was 3 years old.
The only thing I can think of is that this was the first time he had seen that particular post.
Rest in peace
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