Seventh District Congressman Roy Blunt issued the following statement today following an announcement by Democratic leaders that they would attempt to impose a withdrawal timetable on the U. S. mission in Iraq as part of a troop funding bill:
"Tomorrow will mark the 58th time this year Congress will vote on a politically-motivated bill concerning Iraq. Regrettably, not one of the majority's bills has recognized the continued importance of our mission in the region, and not one has acknowledged the tremendous progress we have made against all odds in capturing and killing agents of terror, and providing a level of security for political reconciliation to take place.
"This bill is deja-vu all over again. The last time Democrats tried to tie funding for our troops to a date for surrender, they failed - and that was before the marked turn-around we have witnessed on the ground over the past several months. That includes sharp reductions in violence and increased cooperation among everyday Iraqis in fighting back the insurgency. But once again tomorrow, this House will take up a bill that has far less to do with building on our continued progress, and far more to do with pandering to their base."
"Agents of terror", do Republicans really buy this b.s.? He sounds like a rubber stamp for George. When is he up for re-election?
Maybe we could send Roy over there for the same stint that the troops are there for. What is it now? 15 months? 18 months?
Send Ole Roy and Baby Boy both over there. Maybe Baby Boy would grow up. They both need a good dose of reality.
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