Tuesday, April 04, 2023

Eric Burlison: First, the hoaxes, now the Sham Bragg Indictment of President Trump

(By Seventh District Congressman Eric Burlison)

The indictment is the latest attack by the Left on President Trump. First it was the Russian Collusion Hoax that led to the Mueller Investigation. Then it was the two impeachment hoaxes. Then the Mar-a-Lago raid. And now, we have the Sham Bragg Indictment.

Soros-funded District Attorney Alvin Bragg is using judicial gymnastics to attempt to turn a dubious misdemeanor into a felony.

Watch my interview with Newsmax to see my thoughts on the indictment of President Trump.


Anonymous said...

Hey Erick, your boy is going down in history not only as the first indicted former president, but also the first imprisoned former president. Hilariously, you'll also be on record as one of the ignorant followers of his treasonous behavior. So how's it feel to be on the wrong side of history? How's it feel to leave a legacy that will be an embarrassment to you and yours forever?

Anonymous said...

Burleson looks like a ventriloquist doll 🤡

Anonymous said...

He said on tape that he grabbed women by the pussy and it didn't hurt him with Republicans. What's it going to take before these people recognize that the party's alleged piety is 100% bulldoo?

At this point they are all making a public show of rolling aroud in the orange doodoo to show how committed to their cult they all are.

Anonymous said...

You'll never achieve the low status of BOOBert of colorado or the witch otherwise known as mtg from Georgia. Eric is a trump loyalist that just can't seem to find anything original or provocative to make a name for himself. Repeating the same old line is redundant and projects his low intelligence. Geez Eric, at least give us some drag queen homophobe garbage to grin at, or state your case for the militarization of elementary schools nationwide! Just do something, anything, at least be marginally original!

Anonymous said...

This dude totally thinks if he licks the boot senpai will notice him. You can tell.

onetjefferson said...

They just can't face the fact that criminals pay the consequences. It wasn't Bragg. It was a Grand Jury of his peers that went through all the EVIDENCE and brought forth the recommendation for an indictment. Stop crying and worshiping your golden cow for 5 minutes and reeducate yourself.

Anonymous said...

Hey 139, completely agree, but would add that this bulldoo is ALL the pubs have: no agenda whatsoever to fix real problems. Attacking the lgbtq community, public libraries, school boards to whitewash history, etc. The pubs are more like castrated petting farm animals.....sad to witness, even sadder to think how miserably useless they have become.