Jeff Koch will be leaving the Joplin R-8 Board of Education Tuesday night but not before revisiting what turned out to be a key issue in the April 4 election.
The board's agenda for its 6 p.m. meeting includes a proposal for the memorandum of understanding with Missouri Southern State University for the MOSO CAPS program, which has been a bone of contention for the district and has twice been rejected by 4-3 votes.
The MOSO CAPS program involves students taking classes at MSSU and teaming with a workplace sponsor to gain on-the job experience.
Two of the board members who voted against the district joining the program, Koch and Derek Gander, were defeated April 4. A third, Brent Jordan, did not seek re-election.
During the opening session, in which the current board members complete their business, a memorandum of understanding will be considered.
This one has been submitted by Koch, according to board documentation, and recommends approval of a memorandum of understanding with MSSU with the condition that Joplin will only pay for students who actually participate in the program and not be required to submit a minimum amount.
Also signing off on the proposal are Jordan and board member John Hird.
Whether that proposal is approved doesn't appear to make a difference since the memorandum of understanding is also scheduled to be taken up after Koch, Gander and Jordan leave, the meeting adjourns and then reconvenes with the swearing in of newly elected board members Marda Schroeder, Matthew Robertson and Veronica Gatz Scheurich.
The remainder of the agenda is listed below:
A. Call to Order
1. Roll Call
A. Call to Order
1. Roll Call
B. Pledge of Allegiance
C. Approval of Agenda
D. Consideration of Missouri Southern State University MOSO CAPS Memorandum of Understanding
E. Recognition of Board Member Service - (Sachetta)
F. Certification of April 4, 2023 BOE Election Results
G. Adjourn Sine Die
H. Swear in Board Members Elected April 4, 2023
I. Board Organization Meeting Call to Order
1. Approval of Agenda
2. Election of BOE President
3. Election of BOE Vice President
4. BOE Committee Assignments
5. Selection of MSBA Delegate
6. Review of Policy
J. Reports
1. Board President's Report
a. Celebrations
2. Superintendent Reports
a. Joplin Schools Foundation Presentation
b. Board Recognition of State Awards
c. Student Advisor's Report
d. Strategic Focus
1. State Assessment Strategies Prep
e. Health and Dental Care Insurance Reports
f. Financial Statements - Info (Toft)

K. Public Comments Regarding Posted Agenda Action Items
L. Consent Agenda
1. Minutes
2. Authorization of Checking Account Signatures
3. Renewal of Financial Advisory Services Agreement
4. Contract Addendum Momentum Learning Services
5. 95 Percent Group Professional Development
6. 6th and 9th Grade Chromebook Refresh
7. Security Internet Protocol (IP) Cameras for NMS and EMS
8. School Resource Officer Agreement
9. Apple Surplus
10. Declare Van as Surplus and Authorize to be Sold/Traded
11. Declare Miscellaneous Items Surplus and Authorize Auction - Action (Harding)
12. Net Off Invoice Commodities (NOI Bid)
13. Multiple 22-23 Capital Outlay Approved Projects less than $50,000
14. Multiple 23-24 Capital Outlay Approved Projects less that $50.000
15. JHS, SMS, EMS, MEC - Water Treatment Chemicals and Service
16. Continuation of Agreement with Joplin Fire for Fire Extinguisher, Kitchen Hood, Fire Sprinkler, and 5-year Sprinkler Inspections
17. Lead-in Water Sampling and Testing for the District
18. Contract Lawn Care Service
19. Continuation of IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) Project with TRANE
20. SMS LED Lighting Replacement Fixtures
21. SMS LED Lighting Replacement Fixtures Install
22. South Middle School Partial Roof Replacement
23. Food Service Roof Replacement
24. Replacement of Unleaded Fuel Pump
25. District LED Parking Lot Light Replacements (phase 1)
26. Asphalt Crack Sealing, Seal, and Stripe Parking Lots at JEC and Irving - Action (Harding)
27. Remove Existing Playground Surface and Replace with Playground Turf at Jefferson and Soaring Heights
28. Purchase Replacement HVAC Filters for all Units
29. Construction and Installation of a 40X60' Storage Facility at Joplin High School - Action (Harding)
30. Policy Updates for Second Reading Approval - Action (Sachetta)
a. Policy BDDF: Voting Method
b. Policy BDDL: Release of Information
c. Policy DB: Annual Budget
d. Policy DBB: Fiscal Year
e. Policy DJF: Purchasing
f. Policy DJFA: Federal Programs and Projects
g. Policy GBLB: References
h. Policy IF: Curriculum Development
i. Policy IGAD: Career and Technical Education
j. Policy IGCE: Nontraditional Instruction Options
k. Policy JFGA: Interview with or Removal of Students
l. Policy JHC: Student Health Services and Requirements
m. Policy JHDF: Suicide Awareness and Prevention
n. Policy JHG: Reporting and Investigating Child Abuse and Neglect
k. Policy JFGA: Interview with or Removal of Students
l. Policy JHC: Student Health Services and Requirements
m. Policy JHDF: Suicide Awareness and Prevention
n. Policy JHG: Reporting and Investigating Child Abuse and Neglect
M. Regular Agenda
1. Accounts Payable
2. Summer School Application
4. JHS Tennis Courts Resurfacing and Improvements
5. Replacement of Artificial Turf at JHS Baseball Field
N. Plus/Deltas
O. Adjourn to Closed Session per 610.021
(1) Legal actions, causes of action or litigation involving the district... (2) The lease, purchase or sale of real estate by the district... (3) Hiring, firing, disciplining, or promoting of particular employees... (9) Preparations on behalf of the district or its representatives for negotiations with employees...(13) Individually identifiable personnel records... - Action (Board President)
How dare they only want to pay for classes that students actually attend.
The whole meeting was ridiculous. It’s very unfortunate. Too many agendas; too many followers & not enough independent thinkers; not enough questioning. John Hird & Matt Robertson did a good job of trying to ask questions, seek clarification…jeez, if nothing else ask the questions for the community/the taxpayers. No discussion of why Rylee Hartwell would be a good Board President vs the other nominee, David Weaver? Why John Hird would be a good Board VP vs the other nominee, Donald Greenlee. It was frustrating to watch the entire thing play out. And, the last 30-40 min, one couldn’t even understand what was being said…there were, obvious, sound issues. Not at all, what I was hoping to watch.
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