Former Joplin R-8 Superintendent C. J. Huff is on site in the Perry County School District, which had several buildings damaged in a tornado March 14.
According to the Cape Girardeau Southeast Missourian, the district's high school received major damage, while the primary, elementary and career center buildings suffered roof damage and the old high school had numerous broken windows, in addition to roof damage.
City and county officials have reached out to (Superintendent Fara) Jones to offer support in the wake of the storm and C.J. Huff, superintendent of Joplin Public Schools during the May 2011 tornado that ravaged the city, has been on site to offer "valuable insight and advice" to administrators.
Huff, who was Joplin R-8 superintendent from 2008 through 2015, and led the district through the May 22, 2011 tornado and the rebuilding process.
I wouldn’t take advice from that clown for anything.
“Never be afraid to go over budget and run up the tab of costs that will eventually be disallowed by FEMA. In the end, you’ll move on and the taxpayers of the community will be left with the bill for building the kind of school your ego deserves!” -CJ Huff, probably
His formula for success includes the Trifecta of Funding.
Bond Issue+Insurance Money+FEMA Funds = $192 million dollar high school.
Real piece of crap lined his pockets then hit the road
C. J. Huff - Giving Advice - That is Funny. 🤣🤣🤣
Here is the True Legacy - Like most Bureaucratic Government Individuals and Agencies / Institutions - there is always - Waste, Fraud, and Abuse - when it comes to Running and Supporting these Agencies / Schools and all of the Financial Matters that go with it.
"Please - Give Us More and More Money and We will Succeed". "Raise the Taxes, Sell Bonds, Let's use Sports Betting - for the Betterment of the Children".
While - Missouri Ranks 31st - in Education Systems, in America and the US Ranks 13th in the World - - DO YOU REALLY THINK THROWING MORE MONEY WILL SOLVE OUR EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM - HELL NO!!!
Why are these Schools Spending - Millions and Millions of Tax Dollars on Recreational and Sports Building, Fields, Events, Etc., when Dick and Jane cannot Read, Write, Do Math, Science, and Understand History. We are Creating a Society of "Armchair Quarterbacks", while we steadily Dumb Down the Majority of Students - Who will Never Play Sports or Advance beyond HS Sports - Living a Dream that will Never Come to Attrition. While an Education will stay with you - your Entire Life - -
Very few high school athletes, roughly less than 2% of NCAA student-athletes, go on to play professional sports. Only 1 in 16,000 high school athletes attains a professional career in sports. So, should the Average Tax Payer - Pay to Support the Few Student Athletes and their Dreams - with Multiple Million Dollar High School Stadiums with $1-Million Dollar Soccer, Football, and Baseball Astro Turf Fields - or should we be Focusing on Giving all the Children a More Well Rounded and Thorough Education that will have a Bigger Payback for More Students in the Future and for America?
With Decades and Decades of Decline in our Education System - These Bureaucratic Agencies / Institutions - Need to be Torn Down and Rebuilt from the Ground Up - - The Departments of Education, The Teacher's Union - Who Donates their Money the Union Dues of the Teachers to the Democratic Party - has done NOTHING TO ADVANCE THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM IN AMERICA.
Everyone needs to remember, those were BOE led projects. CJ could not have done any of it without board approval and the Board's "Pet Projects"; ie: football, baseball, soccer fields, band & drama major upgrades, and several other upgrades. However, the collaboration of the classrooms and open design was recommended for student learning has been successful. Security was lacking in lieu of design. Working with FEMA is a challenge that you don't understand until you are thrown in that scenario. What they promise to pay and say in the beginning, often times changes daily, weekly and yearly. You rebuild according to what you are told you would have, and then two, four, six years later, they change their mind and disallow what you have already built. FEMA works on the disaster of the moment, and bases their reimbursements with the funding available at that particular time in history, even though those funds may have already been earmarked for a previous disaster; ie: Tuscaloosa, AL. This was a perfect financial storm for R--8 and can not be blamed on one person. In the beginning of the clean-up, FEMA told the R-8 team that in 5 years, no one currently in that room, including board members, would still be employed/involved in the district. They were told that the community would turn on them in the end, regardless of what happens or what you do. They have seen this pattern over and over again.
There's always another side to every story and plenty of blame to go around with everyone involved.
In my opinion, these continue to happen because Superintendents, DESE, etc., are previous coaches and major supporters of sports, including board members who "govern" the schools, and sports are the most important thing to them. Student learning and education come in second. Schools are required to teach students to pass the state tests. These tests are not designed for everyday reading, writing, and arithmetic applications for the average student.
Our country needs a major overhaul of education. We need to look at other countries that emphasize education, and not sports, and see what they are doing and not doing. For example, look at how many physicians are from another country and have come to the US to practice. They are highly educated, have extensive medical training, and choose to come to the US to practice because of the money they can make.
Our legislatures are getting rich from vendors pushing their new and approved teaching techniques and products, who then require DESE to implement their products, who, in turn, require schools to implement those techniques and products. These services and products cost districts thousands and thousands of dollars every year, and often change yearly. Programs are normally designed for each specific grade level so that learning progresses accordingly. When a new technique or product is implemented, students are missing out on important steps of their education that can never be made up.
School funding is based on discipline, attendance, and test scores. Most schools don't even teach basic skills: how to pay bills, how to cook, how to count money, how to tell time, and not just digital time. Curriculum normally doesn't include these things, and teachers are required to follow the curriculum.
I can go a step further and address the bullying issue across our country. Kids have always been bullied, but how the bullying is handled is the key. Again, the majority of administrators are former coaches. Coaches, athletes, etc., statistically tend to be the ones bullying (intentionally or not), and they tend not to recognize or overlook that type of behavior, or even understand how they are bullying. The student being bullied is often told either to ignore the behavior, suck it up, or that the student didn't really mean it, so just stay away from that student and it won't happen. This happens over and over again with these feelings building and building in the student being bullied until they snap.
As a society, young people are exposed to so much violence in their daily lives, whether through gaming, the news, or everyday life. Add the fact that weapons are very accessible, students often "snap" resulting in school violence or shootings.
I don't pretend to know the answer to these issues, but I agree, the system needs a major, CALCULATED overhaul that addresses these issues. Safe schools providing an education to all students, regardless of their abilities, is what we need. We have the ability to mold these students to be productive, happy adults, and we are missing the boat. It starts with the legislature.
C. J. Huff: Change in JHS gym seat colors won't cost anywhere near $96,000
"Nancy Good: God responsible for massive overspending on R-8 buildings
For all of those who thought Superintendent C. J. Huff and the R-8 Board of Education were responsible for massive overspending on the building projects, board candidate Nancy Good says you are not aiming your sights high enough.
"God made the plan when he destroyed the buildings and we rebuilt," she said during the candidate forum held tonight in the Curley Auditorium at Missouri Southern State University."
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