According to the probable cause statement for Casey Harris, the 70-year-old victim had more than $230,000 taken from her savings and checking accounts "in the form of checks written to Casey Harris and Harris Renovation."
(Note: The previous paragraph, which has been corrected, initially made it appear as if Casey Harris was the victim by leaving out the word "for." My apologies for the error.)
Harris also used the Lowe's credit card allegedly created by his wife, to buy more than $90,000 worth of items that were then used to "complete construction and renovation jobs for other paying clients."
The probable cause in Wendy Harris' case, said she gained the power of attorney over the woman and used "undue influence."
Casey Harris declined to speak with Carthage Police Department officers, the probable cause statement said.
Strang em n hang em
You’ve listed the name of the victim as being the same as the accused.
Casey and Wendy Harris, needs to go to jail for stealing from this Elderly Woman - No Get Out of Jail Free Cards for these Two - Criminals.
Have they gotten their mugshots yet?
This is a comment from the other article about the wife, in case anyone missed it.
Anonymous6:08 PM
I went to school with her husband and his brother I honestly couldn’t imagine either one of them knowing anything about this, they are good men.
Some people are so naive....this is why people get away with so many bad things...they think it's only the homeless, and drug addicts that commit crimes. it's crazy...
7:35PM - If you have read this Blog for a while you will find out that - No its not just the Homeless, Drug Addicts, Etc., - But Bankers, Soccer Moms, Policemen, Firemen, Prominent Local Families - All Types - Etc., that Steal, and Murder -
Casey Harris - Had to know or he is the Biggest Idiot that ever came down the Pike - You just don't run an Additional $360,000 through your Business Accounts - You have to have the Jobs / Projects to Support that much Income - He was the one that was doing the Work - Wendy Harris, the Confidence Scammer - Got a POA from this Woman and then Drained her Accounts - - These Two - Need to Go to Jail - NO PROBATION - - Tired of Criminals Stealing and Fleecing Elderly Individuals - - Do The Crime - Then Do The Time.
Know that Wendy Harris, was charged with allegedly stealing at least $360,000 from an elderly woman, Casey Harris,
Deport them!!! Oh, my bad, just another couple of homegrown criminals.
6:17AM - If you Break the Law - You need to Serve Time - Casey and Wendy Harris - Broke the Law and must Pay for the Crime of Stealing and Committing Fraud against this Elderly Woman -
Yet the United States is Not Jailing those that Broke the Law and Entered our Country Illegally - Which is a Crime - Which is a Non-Arguably Point - Demoncrats - They are just Deporting them - Because Every Country has Laws that You must Abide by, and if you Demoncrats - Don't believe that - just go - Overstay or Commit a Crime in Mexico and see where you go and for how long - Same thing for Canada - Overstay your stay and You will be Deported - WOW - The United States is doing exactly what our Neighbors in Mexico and Canada - Does just for Overstaying in their Country - DEPORTATION - LEARN IT DEMONCRATS.
If these Illegal Aliens are - With the Cartel, Drug Dealers, Murders, Criminals, or Human Traffickers - then they are being Deported and Turned over as Criminals but are NOT BEING PROSECUTED IN OUR COUNTRY FOR ENTERING ILLEGALLY.
Temporary Resident Visa:
If you plan to stay longer than 180 days, you'll need to apply for a temporary resident visa.
If you overstay your Permitted Time in Mexico (typically 180 days for tourists), you may face fines, Potential Denial of Future Entry, and even Deportation. WHAT DEPORTATION - JUST LIKE THE UNITED STATES - FOR ALL YOU DEMONCRATS.
Overstaying your Permitted Time in Canada as a visitor can lead to Serious Consequences, including being Issued a Removal Order, Facing Difficulty in Future Visits, and Potentially being Banned from Re-Entering the Country.
Those who overstay in Canada may be Arrested or Receive a Removal or Deportation Order.
Yes I was wrong, I’ll admit it,
In my opinion they both look surly wearing orange.
And your point is what….do you realize that thousands and thousands of people come into the USA legally but overstay their visas, which makes them criminals? They fly into major airports every day, not crossing from the southern border. You sound like a typical MAGA parroting Fox NewsTrash and Trump.
721, Dear PPPP, Please go outside today and get some fresh air and sun. Your basement needs a break.
Any outrage to spare for MAGA Senator Justin Eichorn, author of a bill to classify Trump Derangement Syndrome a mental illness, who was arrested this week for soliciting a minor for sex? Can we deport him along with Matt Gaetz?
"This week, a GOP state senator in Minnesota was forced to resign after soliciting sex from a minor; a popular MAGA influencer in California was taken into custody on charges of sexually assaulting a minor and producing child sexual abuse material; and Donald Trump’s former spiritual adviser and the former pastor of a Texas megachurch surrendered to Oklahoma authorities, also on charges of child sexual abuse."
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