Wednesday, June 04, 2014

So you want to be a Joplin R-8 kindergarten teacher

In the time it takes to read the job description for the newly-opened kindergarten teacher at Columbia Elementary School, five more teachers have probably resigned:

Job Description


Anonymous said...

At this point, just breathing is probably enough of a qualification.

Anonymous said...

Evidently. Maybe that's why we have so many teachers who keep being arrested.

Anonymous said...

It's funny about the attendance policy listed in the listing. Why you may ask? Because it doesn't take in account the already 10-15 days you will be out of the classroom for "professional development". My child's 2nd grade teacher was great, the days they were there. They mussed over a calendar month for PD. When I worked for this dump, teachers were gone all the time for wasteful PD. THEY WINDER WHY THERE IS SUCH A SHORTAGE OF SUBS.