Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Huckabee aides go without pay

Hard times have hit former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee's presidential campaign.

Some Huckabee aides are going without pay to enable the campaign to buy more television advertising in Florida, according to an Associated Press article:

"Most people are staying on," but a few have departed, adviser Ed Rollins said in an interview. "A number of people, including myself," have agreed to forgo their pay in order to spend as much as possible on television ads in vital states, Rollins said.

Campaign contributions continue to come in, he said. But he acknowledged that the former Arkansas governor is stretched thin as he tries to compete in Florida's primary next Tuesday and many of the two dozen states holding contests Feb. 5.

Huckabee told reporters late Monday he would evaluate the situation in Florida daily and decide whether to keep campaigning in the state. His campaign has stopped arranging charter flights, hotel reservations and other means of helping journalists keep up with his movements. News organizations pay their own expenses, but empty seats on charter planes were costing the campaign money.

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