Friday, February 08, 2008

Clinton, Obama to split Missouri delegates

Barack Obama may have eked out a victory over Hillary Clinton in the Missouri primary Tuesday, but it won't make a bit of difference in the all-important delegate count. The two will each receive 18 delegates, according to an AP article. The superdelegates so far are split with four for Obama and four for Clinton, with several still undecided:

Obama's supporters include Sen. Claire McCaskill, Rep. William Lacy Clay, Rep. Russ Carnahan and Kansas City attorney Mark Bryant.

Those endorsing Clinton include Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, former Rep. Dick Gephardt and longtime party members Sandra Querry, of Independence, and Doug Brooks, of Joplin.

Uncommitted superdelegates include Rep. Ike Skelton, Secretary of State Robin Carnahan, state Democratic Party chairman John Temporiti, party vice chairwoman Yolanda Wheat, state Rep. Maria Chappelle-Nadal and party member Leila Medley.

Two additional superdelegates will be chosen at the party's April 5 quarterly meeting.

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