Tuesday, August 05, 2008

GateHouse Media stock closes at 48 cents

GateHouse Media stock dropped two cents today, closing at 48 cents per share. The stock climbed as high as 57 cents and dropped to as low as 43 cents during the day.

GateHouse Media owns The Carthage Press, Neosho Daily News, and more than 300 publications across the U. S.


Anonymous said...

Hey Randy,

At this rate, you, me and Ron Graber can pool our severence pay money and buy GateHouse.

I'd make Hacker CEO, but only if he promises to still write and his mom makes me cookies.

Thank you,
Michael Davison

P.S. I'm really glad to be out of the media. And I'm sure the public (or at least the poor saps who read your blog) agrees.

Randy said...


Good to hear from you. What are you doing these days?