Thursday, January 04, 2024

Webb City man who fell over cart suing Sutherland Lumber

A Webb City man is suing Sutherland Lumber Company, 2805 Range Line following an accident that occurred October 22, 2022, according to the lawsuit, which was filed today in Jasper County Circuit Court.

Steve Grissom (DOB 1959) claims that after he completed his purchase, he turned and fell over an "unattended flat lumber cart which had constructions material extending off the edges several feet. Plaintiff Grissom went over the top of the lumber and fell headfirst into the store wheelchairs which caused him to land on his hands and chest."

The fall caused "injury to his bilateral wrists, right knee, right hip, cervical spine, lumbar spine, and right shoulder," according to the petition.

Grissom, who is represented by Joplin attorney Anna Pace, claims Sutherland Lumber was negligent in not making sure its walkways were "free of hazardous conditions and providing business invitees with a safe area for walking."

Grissom is asking for "compensatory damages and costs."

Listed as a defendant, along with the company, is store manager Jeremy Schemet.


Anonymous said...

Thank Goodness we have 1.35 Million Attorneys in the United States - that is 1 Lawyer for every 300-People - We have the Largest Number of Lawyers per Capita in the World -

That way we can so many Lawsuits - "I drank hot coffee, I spilled hot coffee, etc., etc.,"

So let's keep all these Ambulance Chasing Lawyers - Going as they Grind Down Businesses, and Cost Consumers Millions of Dollars so they can Line their Pockets and Bankrupt our Society.

"Let's kill all the lawyers" is a line from William Shakespeare's Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2. The full quote is: "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers".[1] It is among Shakespeare's most famous lines.[2 How did he know of the Legal Perils that would Help derail the United States...

Anonymous said...

What do you call a million lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?

A good start!!!

Anonymous said...

What do you call it when careless companies with careless employees can have hazards in their stores than can injure and kill their customers and the customers can't collect a dime thanks to so called tort reform?