Friday, March 14, 2025

Illegal immigrant who fought ICE officer at Carthage home ordered held without bond

Following a preliminary hearing and detention hearing this morning in U. S. District Court for the Western District of Missouri, Fausto Eduardo Paxtor Vicente, 39, Carthage, was ordered held without bond while awaiting trial for illegal reentry into the United States and assaulting a federal officer.

More details about the case can be found in the probable cause statement at the link below.

The Turner Report: Illegal immigrant arrested in Carthage after fight with ICE officer


Anonymous said...

For all you Leftist Liberal Democrats - who constantly think we should keep our Borders Open - - Here is a good Example of Illegal Immigrants living amongst you. Our Open Borders have allowed - Cartel Members, Drug Dealers, Murders, Mercenaries, Criminals, and Human Traffickers to come into America.

Another Democratic Fact / First - Which all of you Dems seem to FORGET - President Obama's administration deported more than 3 million people - Yes, Obama - HOLDS THE RECORD FOR DEPORTING THE MOST ILLEGAL ALIENS FROM AMERICA - While Biden was Vice President - WOW - So, Stop jumping off the Cliff about Trump - when you all - Kept Your Mouths Shut when Obama was in Office and doing the same thing - Even Better than Trump.

Trump deported fewer people last month than Biden a year ago, but border crossings have plummeted -

Again, Dems have consistent forgetful Memorys and OMG - When Presented with the Truth and Facts - they cannot Handle it.

Anonymous said...

The Prolific Pontificating Paragraph Producer strikes again! I have absolutely no idea what you posted....I'm not reading it. However, A momentary glance offered me a quick scan where I saw all your liberal bullet points cut and pasted from other posts you've commented on. There is no border problem 749. The bigger issue now is that your master is destroying democracy and our economy. You might ought not want to saturate yourself in rightwingnut conspiracy believing malarkey for much longer. ✌️

Anonymous said...

7:26PM - You have No-Idea - Because you NEVER - Read the Articles - Just Make Comments that Say Nothing - It is about ILLEGAL ALIENS - Closing the Borders - Illegal Aliens getting Caught and Living Right Next to You - Do You need CliffsNotes for Everything - or do you have a diminished capacity for Reading and Understanding what the Articles are about?

Again, all you Leftist, Liberal Democrats - there are several YouTube Videos out showing Hardcore Biden/Harris - Constituents - when they were confronted personally - with actors playing Illegal Aliens - about allowing them to live with them or camp on their property, or even just using their bathrooms - all these so Called - Leftist Liberal Democrats turned all of these Illegal Alien Actors and their Families Down - Video after Video - Why - is it that - Because they use the Speak-Out-Of-Both-Sides-Of-Your-Mouth Syndrome - then when given the Opportunity to show everyone how they would Help these Actors Playing Illegal Aliens - They Crumble, Stutter, and Make Execuses - Just Like Biden -

Democrats have done this same thing for Decades - Say - One thing and Not Believe in what they are Saying and of Course - FAIL to Follow Through - Typical Democrats! 7:26PM - Can you understand that - - Again, when can we look forward to you providing Illegal Alien Sanctuary (what is your Address we can Post it along the Border) or when are you Moving out of the Country - Since the US Government won't Pay for your Section 8 Housing in Canada or your Medicare / Medicaid - you are probably stuck in the US.

Anonymous said...

7:26PM - Did you read the current or previous article - I DOUBT IT - - -

This Illegal Alien - Fled in his Car - With No Driver's License, No Insurance, and then abandoned his Vehicle and started running on foot, tried to pick up a wood splitting maul to hit the Policeman with - and the Policeman deployed 3-TASERS, but this Illegal Alien continued to Fight while his Wife jumped on the Policeman to hit him also - Does this sound like what Criminal would do 7:26PM - - He is a Criminal - He Broke the Law - But you still cannot see the TRUTH - YOU ARE STILL BLIND - To the Facts - You Never Read or Understand the Articles of the Consequences - -

7:26PM - Then to say there is No Border Problem - You must be on some of the Drugs that the Cartel or Drug Smugglers are bringing in from Mexico - Your Assumptions, Concepts, Ideas or Whatever are so far into the Leftist Liberal World - You Fail to See the Truth - the Facts - - You are Blinded by your Democratic Party - - Lies and Falsehoods!!!

Again, Another Democratic Fact / First - Which all of you Dems seem to FORGET - President Obama's administration deported more than 3 million people - Yes, Obama - HOLDS THE RECORD FOR DEPORTING THE MOST ILLEGAL ALIENS FROM AMERICA - While Biden was Vice President - WOW - So, Stop jumping off the Cliff about Trump - when you all - Kept Your Mouths Shut when Obama was in Office and doing the same thing -